Monday, April 24, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday

Joining up with Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom - Happy Homemaker Monday!  Even though I don't feel so happy today.  Or should I say positively energetic?  Maybe after I post, I'll start to feel better.  I haven't had time to do any baking lately, and have absolutely no idea what dinner will be yet.  I may be PB & J on the porch.  That is the reality of homesteading.  And raising kids. 

What's on the breakfast plate. . .

Leftover pumpkin pancakes with dandelion syrup.  I didn't make these with einkorn flour.  One of the girls made them for us.  Next time I will.

The weather. . .
Sunny, a bit chilly this morning, but it should warm up.  Windy.

On my reading pile. . .
Cookbooks and the same fiction book I was reading.

On my TV. . .
The old original series of Walking Tall, and Night Shift series on Netflix.

On the menu. . .
Ha ha ha!  I've been so busy, tonight is either PB & J or home canned tomato basil soup with sandwiches grilled.
I have no clue, and for once, I am not worrying about it.

What I am crocheting, creating, sewing or knitting. . .

...various continued projects, including this hot pad set with an oversized pot holder.

Looking around the house.  . .
I see walnuts needing to be cracked yet, and a very messy living room.  I'm delegating that to the girls when school is out.

My to-do list. . .

laundry on the line
run dishwasher
water all new outside trees/plants

take trash out
let chickens out
plant carrots, beets and radishes
water peas and potatoes
transplant lavender plants 

(I'm emptying my rain barrels as fast as they fill)
wash dishes - now delegated to the girls as well
sweep kitchen
scrub up master bath
wash a few rugs
run to the store for dog and cat food (when I have a car)
finish weeding rose bed
finish cleaning up last tree
get more porch furniture out
weed whip the raised beds
plant the rosebush that didn't get planted yesterday 
(this is my long week to-do list....ain't no wait it's gettin' done today, ha ha ha!) 

On my camera. . . 

What I am wearing today. . .
Garden/work clothes

One of my simple pleasures. . .

Time on my front porch.
Bible Verse Devotional. . . Image result for bible verse for taking time for yourself


  1. I think PB&J on the front porch sounds like a great dinner plan :) Love the photo of the bleeding heart plant. Hope you have a fantastic week!

  2. Kristina, I cannot resist: wouldn't it be better to have PB & J on bread instead of the porch?
    I reared 6 kids too. What a hassle it could be to get them to do chores sometimes--they always have remarkable excuses.
    Keep healing, Sandy in California.

  3. I hope some time outside gives you that positive energy Kristina :) I think PB & J sounds delicious on the porch! :)

  4. Love your photos and your pancakes look fantastic! I pray that one day when my family has found 'home' that we can begin gardening! I believe it would benefit me immensley :) Have a happy week!

  5. Sandy, lol! Yeah, and kids even as teenagers are mess makers.

  6. Rain I got outside, and filled the clothesline too. I left some of the outside work for tomorrow. Sort of taking it easier today.

  7. Stacy D, you can grow herbs and other veggies in pots. You'll love it.

  8. PB&J on the porch sounds good to me!

  9. I had a long list today's for today but Monday usually does sort of have way more than I know I will get done but I must say, when I make a long list I tend to get more things done...go figure? You go girl!

  10. The dandelion syrup intrigues me! Have a great week!!

  11. Pamela, although it was a windy day, it was a beautiful day to be on the porch.

  12. Jodi, I'll post the dandelion syrup on the left, in the "featured post" for you to see.


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