Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Study

Although the room is still in the "works" I have photos to share. The kids are already using it for doing their homework.

 I love the saying on this tiny sign.  It also ties all the colors of the room together.  There is a bit of that country red in the curtain and the matching runner.

 This is a photo standing just outside the door.  The chair will be upgraded to something more comfortable, and that wooden chair will be an extra for family gatherings. Oh, see the candles on the wall photo above the desk?  Those candles have battery operated lights, so I can flip a switch on it to make it look like burning candles.  Nice to have if the power goes out.

 I took items I already had and decorated some of the shelves.

The top framed piece is an embroidered piece I made for the farmer's market one year. 

It did not sell, so I'm enjoying it.  I would like to make another one that says "Make it Amazing."  Or even one that says "Cultivate Joy."

Hubby asked why the decanter had zero bourbon in it.  Ha, ha!  It'll stay that way too.  For now.  Maybe.

In the process of moving books, I found some I haven't read, and forgot I had. The book ends are from my Uncle, and the glass globe paperweight is from my days behind a desk 40-plus hours a week.

I put this one in plain sight. I could always use a  "brightner" for my day.

 I haven't decided if I want to put a sheer up behind the valance in the window.  I like it the way it is.

Better picture of the runner.

Re-purposed a table my Dad gave me years ago, and made it into a plant stand.  The typewriter is an antique we thrifted a few years back, and now it has a perfect place for it.  However, if it becomes a dust collector, I'll have to decide if it will stay or not.

Battery operated radio/book ends.  I've had these for years.  I just moved them from one room to this room now.

And there you have it - the study. 

 It needs a few more things, and I have a few piles to sort inside the desk, but it's looking pretty good.  It feels good to have one room completely cleaned, deep cleaned, and organized.


  1. Katrina, it looks wonderful! I wish I could say I have one room totally finished. It seems I can never catch up. I blame the carpeting totally! LOL! I love how you decorated your shelves and the wall color is gorgeous! Congrats!

  2. What a nice job you did on that room! It looks like a new, ready-to-move-into room in a new house. You can be proud of all the work you put into it. I love "work" like that because you can really see what you've done!

  3. Mama Pea, I think we are all happy to see progress here. Now, if I can just get the utility room done (it needs painted too, but another year). It's been 3 years purging when I can, lol!

  4. The study looks awesome! I love the radio bookends!!! And yes, my boyfriend had to put his typewriter away too, well, he just has it in the case on his table now. Not just dust collecting, but pet hair collecting too! Too bad you can't find a transparent something or another to put over it, so it's still visible but won't get full of dust. And that's my question too, why ISN'T the decanter full of bourbon? ;)

  5. Lol! Well, the decanter is empty because we have teenagers and one young adult still living at home.


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