Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Random Tidbits

Many of my houseplants died while I was in the hospital.  Hubby and I picked up a few to bring a bit if life and beauty to homestead - Florida Beauty to the left and an Exotic Allusion Arrowhead in the upper right.

 I planted new basil seeds in my re-purposed antique coffee pot. I can't wait to have fresh basil again.

Four pints of yogurt went into my dehydrator. This was the first time using my dehydrator for this purpose.  Worked like a charm.  I got beautifully thick, creamy yogurt.  I can do this over night, let it shut off automatically, and pop them into the 'fridge the next morning. 

I haven't restocked the jars of homemade granola for a long time.  Since last spring I think (a shocker)

 I felt it only proper to make a batch to go with that delicious yogurt.  Good probiotics.  Which I needed.  All of us needed.

Two of us woke up with sore throats.  I, myself, went straight for the salt water gargle and my mullein tincture (stuffy nose).  I had a miserable day with it all.

Oh, I pushed to get two loads of laundry done, took the dogs out, dealt with frozen goat water buckets, and all the while I just wanted a hot cup of herbal tea.  When I got back from the vet, I finally got the tea made, but tossed the leaves in before the filter.  I cleaned it out and made it again, only to see the water spilling out of the bottom all over the counter.  I didn't get the filter in tight.  Third time I got it right, but the kids were already home.  No peace and quiet with my tea.  


If I typed it out, and said it out loud then it has to become true.  Right?   

Too late.

It's a snow day today.  As I sit here and wait for the house to heat up again, I hear my 17 year-old coughing badly.  I just refilled my tin of mullein.  And I'll be whipping up some chest rub, and getting my homemade vapo-rub out.  I sure hope my teas, tinctures, and pushing fluids will do the job for all of us.  And rest. And a salt water gargle.  Right now the kids have a 2 hour delay, but it would do us all good if they closed.  We all need a day of rest right now.  I just found out another extended family member has pneumonia.   It looks like a good night for home canned tomato soup and sandwiches.  I would have loved some chicken noodle, but I'm not up to cooking today.



  1. I hope you all get better fast! I'm sure your tomato soup will help and all your homemade remedies. It's only in the 30's here today and very gloomy, damp and cold! I need some of your herbal tea too!

  2. I try to keep some wild rice soup made with either chicken or turkey in the freezer for occasions when someone is not feeling up to snuff. I defrost it and add LOTS of chopped fresh garlic and you'd be surprised how good a cold or flu chaser it is!

  3. There have been so many people sick with that viral pneumonia. I think we have over 60 or 70 people dead from it so far in NC. Sending prayers for you for sure.
    There are times when we all need a little extra time to rest. Not that being sick is rest, but it's often the only time we can get off to do it.
    God bless.

  4. Sam I Am, I felt better last night than I do this morning. I sure hope I can get some rest today. It's only a high 20's with a 5-15 windchill.

  5. Mama Pea, that sounds really good right now. I may just make some soup in the crocky today.

  6. RB, I took yesterday off, but I'm feeling worse today. I sure hope the dogs and other animals behave today.

  7. We had sore throats too, after our horrible drive home, I think both of our systems were in shock and rebelling. I made some chamomile tea with honey and we both had some echinacea tincture with lime juice and pineapple juice. That echinacea is a miracle if we take it when we first feel the sore throats coming on. We had it 3x yesterday and we're both okay today. I hope you all don't get sick! I need to plant some basil too. Do you keep it indoors all winter (usually)?

  8. Rain, I have basil indoors all year long, and outdoor in the summer.


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