Sunday, February 19, 2017

This and That

The southwestern quesadillas were wonderful!  The recipe is from Food Network (available online).   These are wonderful with our without the sour cream/lime dip to dip them in.
With our frozen stash of bell peppers down to zero, I had to pay $2.39/each for a red bell pepper. Each!  The green ones are not as expensive, but wow!  Hubby said no more until the garden grows.  And to grow more, ha ha!  Organic items have increased for one store, and they even carry organic brussel sprouts now. 

I wanted a doily for one of the kitchen tables, but I wanted one that I could stitch up in an hour or less.   One that still said "winter" and not quite "spring."  And one that I wouldn't feel guilty for sitting down to make, when I have a room to paint, cupboards to wash down, floors to  mop......

Wa-la!  It doubles as a dishcloth, so when I want to change out the doily, it has another purpose.  It's made with cotton yarn.  I crocheted several of these a few years ago, for the Farmer's Market.   

 (January 2015)
I also crocheted many flower dishcloths, which sold great.  I only have one of each left (and I made many more than in this photo).

I also made these back in 2015 for the Farmer's Market, and every one of them sold but one or two. The mix-and-match cup coasters sold wonderfully too.  I had maybe one left.  

This year?  Well, I have zero of any of the above items made.  I have been so busy with putting my home back in order (cleaning every nook and cranny when I can) after so many summers of letting it go. I have knitted dishcloths, and a few sets of pot holders, but I'm starting to contemplate signing up for the market.  Doubt is a mood killer. Sigh...

My car trunk is half full of boxes to deposit at the donation station, which will make someone else happy.  But before we stop to drop them off, we had to send my car in for a repair.  The exhaust.  It's been bad for a year, and put last on the list.  Hubby and a family member worked on it, and this is the first time he could not fix one of our vehicles.  These newer models require a pipe to be cut off.  The repair guy said it's quite common. 

It's February and the weather today is to be a high of 63°F.  It was yesterday too.  And will be that nice tomorrow.  The ground here is still way too wet to go out and cut downed trees.  We can't drive the truck out there just yet.  However, Hubby and I have gotten out for few motorcycle rides.


  1. The quesadilla's sound wonderful. I'm going to check out that recipe. Do you have patterns, book names or links to your crochet patterns? I love the doily and I need a zillion of those around my house! LOL! I love your color choices and who can't use another wash cloth and coasters? What I do (or I would never get to knit or crochet) is I have to do at least 3 daily chores or work on 1 priority before I can sit down for 'a break" and then I pick up my handwork. I know, I am anal but I have to be self-disciplined and so I set rules for myself) If homemakers belonged to a union (which they should! LOL) you would be forced to take some breaks and a lunch hour or 1/2 hour. I'm retired but I always have projects going and at my age scaling down is a top priority in housing and possessions. I never like to sit though without being productive so I do some handwork on my "breaks". LOL! Have a great relaxing Sunday!

  2. Your doilies and cloths are so pretty, just the right colours to brighten up my mood today :) I have a crochet hook, but I don't really know how to crochet, I should look up a video on You Tube for that because I'd love to make some dishcloths too. The food looks delicious!

  3. Your crocheted items are always so colorful and fun to see. You are a master with a crochet hook!

  4. Sam I Am, I will look to see if that pattern is online. I had to adjust it from the original too. I know what you mean about getting work done first.

  5. Rain, I know there are wonderful tutorials online for learning to crochet and knit. That is how I taught myself to knit. My mother was a crocheter, and I learned from her.

  6. Thanks Mama Pea. Hubby and I visited a nearby flea market the other day, and one woman was selling flower dishcloths for $3 each. I don't think I could sell them that low. Not with all the labor involved. And the cost of yarn these days. If I don't sign up for the Farmer's Market or any other big show, I'll offer some up for sale here most likely.


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