Monday, February 20, 2017

Happy Homemaker Monday

Today I am joining Happy Homemaker Monday with Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.  It's sort of a strange Monday for us here.  One, two kids are at sleepovers because school is closed today for President's Day.  Two, Hubby is home too. Three, our Vet-Tech in training is home.  Our daily routine is about to be spiced up by spontaneous events. I hope you enjoy today's post.
The weather....
It's been very spring-like weather here.  It's not supposed to be that way in February.  In February, we are to get the most snow.  There are dandelions growing for Pete's sake.  I just hope my fruit trees and bushes stay in their winter slumber, but I am enjoying the weather anyway.

On my bedside table . . . the start of the agonizing part of granny squares - a pile of yarn ends that continues to build.

On my TV. . . 
Netflix movies.  We don't like commercials, ha ha!  Hubby likes to read, and I like to crochet most nights.

On the menu this week. . . 
For once I have no menu planned.  With Hubby taking a day off to fix the car, and some of the kids gone, I haven't had to cook big meals.   I know baked mac n' cheese is on my mind.  And some home canned tomato soup to go with sandwiches another night.  Maybe bake another batch of bread.

My reading pile. . . .
I finally finished this book!  First book of 2017.  I have a journal to log books I read (just for fun I think), and was shocked when I opened it up.  Last year I read one book.  I proceeded to write this one down, and Hubby wants to read it.  The father is a soldier in Afghanistan, and a surgeon.  His wife is home taking care of their infant daughter.  Things change very quickly at the start of this book, so I can't give anything away.

I have this book on the stand to read next.  Spring is about to arrive, so I better get to reading it.  It was also purchased at a used book store a year ago.  I am reading while walking on my treadmill.  I have to walk slow until I build up stamina, so reading keeps me from getting bored.  Once I'm back to "me" I won't be able to hold a book, nor read, going that fast.  I don't always like Jame's Patterson books due to the language, but I'll give this one a whirl.

On my to-do list . . . no particular order
~pick up chicken feed
~muck chicken coop
~split wood
~mix up a 5 gallon bucket of homemade laundry detergent
~make a jar of homemade taco mix for Mom
~sweep the kitchen
~fold towels I brought in off the line last night 
~look one of my crochet patterns to share
~restock the porch with firewood
~clean ashes from the stoves
~dump the ash bucket
~take the outside Christmas lights down and put them away
(my Vet-Tech daughter put them up when I was sick and doesn't want to take them down.  Imagine that.  Hmpf.)
~crack a few walnuts
~remove popcorn from a few cobs
~file a few newly tried recipes

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating. . . 

 ...well, out of all the current projects, this one is my main focus.  I finished the 35 squares, and have started sewing in ends.  

Looking forward to. . .
 ...a motorcycle ride with Hubby later today (after work is finished).  Even if it's to the store for milk and dawn soap.

Looking around the house. . .
I see many more walnuts on my kitchen table that need cracked open, about 1/2 the box of home grown popcorn that needs removed from the cobs, for once a few counters remained cleaned (wondering if it's because the younger two aren't home), I just realized a few kitchen seat cushions were never finished (adding them to my list).

From the camera. . .
Valentine's Day roses from Hubby.  I love fresh flowers around the house. 

Wearing today. . .
I'm still in PJ's and a robe and slippers.  I sort of slept in, awaiting Hubby's voice to say, "let's go split wood."

One of my simple pleasures. . .
Holding hands and taking a walk with my husband.  We took a motorcycle ride to a river, and walked along the river holding hands yesterday.  I love stealing away, and spending time alone with him.  The kids get their days too, but we love taking time for just us.  It doesn't have to be expensive, nor require spending money either.  We typically take a two night trip after our anniversary, but this year it just didn't work out.  Cost was an issue (darn medical bills, car repairs), but we still find ways to take dates (parks, state parks, walking paths, picnics etc.).

Bible verse, devotional. .
 " So I commend the enjoyment of life, because there is nothing better for a person under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany them in their toil all the days of the life God has given them under the sun."  Ecclesiastes 8:15 NIV


  1. I LOVE your simple pleasures! - so sweet.

    Home grown popcorn sounds really good and interesting too!

    Sounds like a busy to do list. Have a GREAT week.

  2. Thanks Tamy! I am already checking things off the list. I have helpers who volunteered today (Yay!).

  3. If I didn't post about books on Monday I would join the homemakers! I'm hanging out clothes here today too as soon as the washer stops.....76 supposedly but then maybe rain later this afternoon so I have to get them out on the line. I need to wash screens and get them up on the windows so I can open them as the bugs are already out! I didn't get things done last fall because the cold set in very early. Enjoy your quiet they will be home soon enough! LOL!
    Your husband and you have it need to take time for the 2 of you!

  4. Thank you Sam I Am. It's been staying clean and quiet all weekend. Aside from the dogs, ha ha!

  5. The granny squares that you are making are so pretty. I like the color combination that you chose. You have a busy week ahead of you - lots of tasks around the farm. We have to clean out the horse barn here. Wish we still had chickens like you do. There is nothing like farm-fresh eggs, is there?

  6. that bike ride and day with hubby sounds so nice.

  7. Boy your crossing of that list! Go girl! We have dandelions too. We are attacking them! Sound like you have a wonderful week planned. I enjoyed visiting. I posted a HHM post too!

  8. What a lovely post, especially your comment about holding hands. I love your journal log for books you've read, do you add comments about why you liked or didn't really care for certain books? Baked mac 'n cheese sounds wonderful. Have a great week!

  9. Harvest Moon, it's so hard to clean the coop when it's freezing cold and snowing, so the coop is getting cleaned more often this winter (warmer days). Fresh eggs are the best. Thank you for the compliment on the dishcloths too.

  10. Row, it was very nice, and there were so many other bikers out too.

  11. Grantham Lynn, thanks for stopping in to visit. I'll get over to visit your blog next.

  12. Pamela, thank you! I usually write comments about the books, and if I enjoyed them or not.

  13. That's really sweet, my boyfriend and I are very romantic as well and those things are invaluable to me. Wonderful that you keep the romance alive where so many couples fall into a nearly roommate situation. I love hearing that! I hate commercials too, but the Canada Netflix doesn't have nearly enough variety anymore, so we cut that out. But my boyfriend did download the full collection of Looney Tunes, so we've been watching Bugs Bunny all afternoon!

  14. Rain, I love watching anything that makes me laugh. My husband and I have grown closer over the years, and I told him I'd rather have time with him over a gift any day.

  15. Your roses are beautiful. I like having the fresh flowers around as well. Hope you have a wonderful week!


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