Thursday, February 9, 2017

Random Tidbits ~ New Recipe

My extreme clean continues.  .  . but slower.

Every crafting container is being opened, but I know in reality, some drawers and containers will have to wait for a rainy day or next winter.  My kids are all growing up, and we just don't use some items like acrylic paints.  I think 90% of the bottles I had in a container, were dried up and tossed.  Top news, right?

My days are continuously emptying, sorting, tossing, donating, and getting organized.  I spent a few days putting recipes back in the "homesteading" binder, and canning recipes back into their binder (have been laying around the kitchen since last November (yikes!).  I am emptying the "try it" recipes from plastic page protectors, and filling the trash.  I (gulp) saved a few to try when the garden is producing once again.  We love sugar snap peas, and I'm always looking for a new way to cook them.

It's a good thing I took the time to hand write two recipes.  When I went to put them in the recipe box, I found all the recipes the kids used at Christmas, all in one slot (not even close to the correct tab).  I would have gone bonkers this next Christmas looking for them.

Hubby joked that I'm on "round 3" of cleaning out the utility room and our closet.  He's probably right.  But....the reality of daily chores has increased as well. 

Walnuts continue to be cracked.  I try to crack some open daily, but time is of the essence.  The kids do not want anything to do with this chore (sadly).

I finally found a recipe for a leave-in hair conditioner (Mountain Rose Herbs).  I have one of the oils, but not two of the more expensive oils.  If anyone has made this and tried it, I'd love to know.   

New Recipe - calming oil (Mother Earth News).  I have several recipes for this.  I do not have chamomile oil, so I used rosemary until make my own this summer (when I have a warm window to infuse it).  One recipe states to simply mix a small bit of organic coconut oil with rosemary, but I would like to have this on hand for headaches, anxiety (a few kiddos are susceptible), and stress.  Rosemary also promotes good memory.  I sure need that, ha ha!

I made batch of my Grandma's oatmeal cookies.  I used lard.  I had a few upset vegetarians in the house.  I have to laugh at her recipe "just toss in some raisins and nuts" with no written amounts.  I pretty much guessed.  I added some of our gifted nutritious in omega-3 and promotes bone health.



  1. You say you're slowing down a little bit . . . but you can still give the Energizer Bunny a run for his money!

  2. It's a never ending battle for me to keep things organized when I use so much stuff to do the homesteading chores. Good luck!

  3. Mama Pea, Ha! I should take another day off to crochet shouldn't I?

  4. Good for you and your cleaning out! I know what you mean about daily chores. I try to get them done by noon so I can spend the afternoon on "special" projects or regular cleaning. Which really isn't a lot of time that's why my craft pattern notebooks are taking me so long! Today is Walmart shopping but hopefully I will finish up today then there are a zillion other projects! LOL!

  5. hoosier girl, I know what you mean. Lots of appliances and gizmos to make stuff from scratch, split wood, build stuff etc.

  6. Sam I Am, on days I have to zip to town, my entire routine goes off kilter, ha ha! I run out of time too quickly. I have more to clean and purge, but I hope it winds down soon.

  7. Sounds like a very busy time at your house. Except for this headachy virus that we're both still fighting, we've been busy too with working and keeping up the house, yard and animals. But then, most families have those things, so it's normal, whatever that is. LOL
    The weather was gorgeous here today - breezy, in the 70s and sunny. Got the cats that like to go out, out in kennels. The rest are sleeping on windowsills.
    I've been taking Hemp Oil capsules for about a week. The benefits are said to be that:
    "Hemp seeds are rich in protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids, omega 6, omega 3 and insoluble fiber. They are a good source of tocopherols, or Vitamin E antioxidants. ... High in essential fatty acids, Omega 6 and omega 3, hemp oil can be used to increase immunity, counteract aging skin and improve cardiovascular health."
    And being that I'm allergic to anything that comes out of water, I've been missing out on the Omega vitamins, and thought I'd try this alternate source to get them. It will be interesting to see if they work for me.
    I pray what's left of the weekend is a great one for everyone, and a safe one too.
    God bless.

  8. RB, I once had an allergic reaction to salmon from the grocer. My doctor told me it was the preservative. Thanks for that information too. On the hemp oil. I tried to buy fish yesterday, but the didn't have any wild caught flounder. I try to make fish once a week, but it's getting so expensive to buy.


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