Friday, February 10, 2017

Kitchen Fixin's ~ New Recipes ~ My Hour Off

I used the last of the sweet potatoes for dinner.  I'm thrilled they lasted this long.  Do you see that recipe?  Ha!  It's in my pile on the counter, but half of the recipe is missing.  It's for a beef barley soup, which is really not new to me.  However, I decided to use all the ingredients, but use my crock pot, and leave out the beef.

Funny story about this.  I was on my knees, digging through the freezer looking for beef, when I found one last bag of frozen garden tomatoes.  I was so excited the girls laughed at me.


I had leftover vegetable broth, so I made this vegetable barley soup.  I tossed in some dandelion greens at the end, and used the leftover home canned hot sauce to add more flavor (and not let it waste).  It was fantastic.  And I have enough leftover so I get today off from cooking!  Woo hoo!

From the freezer - pumpkin puree, shredded zucchini, and blueberries.  This was another new recipe.  It's online with Rodale's Organic Life (Pumpkin Zucchini Spice Bread).  I didn't have pecans, and decided to use blueberries (as one website showed the same recipe using raisins).  

I have already added this recipe to my recipe file.  It is a crowd pleaser.  Making it in the bundt pan is nice too.  

I had exactly 3/4 cup of frozen blueberries that needed to be used up before digging into the next bag, and it turned out great.  Next time, I'll add 1 full cup.  It's delicious!  It's perfect for the kids to slice and take to school, and Hubby and Daughter to take it to work. I like that it makes a nice amount to last a few days around here too.

I am trying to win this battle with the new recipes.  I threw out two, tried two, and saved one to try when the garden is producing.  I am going to toss many more today.  That's my goal.  So many are close to what I already make, and most soup days, it's whatever I have on hand.  

Although bitter cold, and last night dipping into the single digits (and frozen water in the barn to deal with), we've had some beautiful sunshiny days.  Thank goodness for spikes on my muck books.  The drive and walkways are ice covered.

I love crock pot nights on a cold wintery day.  I tend to take more time off for myself after the kids get home from school.  I told the kids, that I was going to watch the the Ellen show ( I love shows that make me laugh), and crochet until their Dad got home.  They all were shocked.  I did too.  I crocheted the scrap yarn blanket and watched TV for an entire hour.  Before dinner, ha ha ha ha!  Oh I felt so guilty, but it was oh so needed.  When Hubby got home, he peeked in on me and his eyes were wide open.  I looked at him and said, "you don't see me."  


  1. Ha! The shocked look on your husband's face was that momentarily he was probably afraid you were sick again! Sitting down doing handwork before dinner?? How unusual!!! ;o}

  2. Good for you! I used to like the Ellen show and I still do but nowadays audiences don't clap...they scream and I can't stand that! I need one of those t.v.'s that you can set the volume and the ads etc can't get any louder. But not sure that would work with me either as I turn down the screams but then I couldn't hear Ellen...I just stopped watching any live shows where the audiences scream. LOL! Your soup and baking look delicious. Did you freeze whole tomatoes? What can you use them for as I have some too? I hate to tell you but it is 77 here today and I have clothes out on the line.

  3. The food all looks so yummy and warming and tasty too, great for cold cold weather.
    I love cooking in the crockpot too. For the first hour or so, you smell nothing, but once it gets to cooking, the aroma wafts through the house for hours.
    I work tomorrow. Saturdays and Sundays are the busiest, but because we can't sell alcoholic beverages until noon on Sunday, once noon comes, the race is on, generally for 3-4 hours after.
    I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow. If the weather is conducive to it, take time to smell the flowers.
    God bless.

  4. Sam I Am, to freeze tomatoes, I drop them in boiling water for 1 minute, then drop them in a bowl of ice water to cool. I remove the peelings and squeeze the seeds out. Then I bag and freeze. I'm told you can freeze tomatoes whole, and easily remove peelings after they thaw, but I just don't have the freezer space to freeze whole. I keep looking for a day to put laundry outside. Today the weather is warmer, but raining.

  5. RB, I do get outside often. There are barn chores, barn cats to feed, and dogs to walk. I hope I can hang laundry out again soon. That is always refreshing and gives me exercise.

  6. I almost always have cherry or grape tomatoes in the freezer. It's an easy way to drop one or two into soups, stews, gravies, for that extra hint of acidity. Works well too, but you do have to fish out the skins after.
    God bless.

  7. RB, I dehydrated my grape tomatoes last year. I hope to make a new recipe soon.


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