Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Thanksgiving Prep ~ Keep on Truckin'

I'll be honest.  I am not feeling the "family" thing for this coming holiday.  It's been a long month for us, and the thought of spending the entire day baking has been taking a toll on me. 

Vet-tech Daughter said she'd cook everything, and just wanted a lot of food. My Oldest Army-college Daughter stopped in and asked for us to save "a lot of leftovers" for her as she has not had time to cook.  No pressure there.

I really didn't want to cook.  We only had one day to have the dinner.  Thanksgiving day.  Oh, and on top of that same day, Hubby's family is having their big meal.  So he wants to go there, and have the meal here too.  In one day.  No pressure there.  

Of course the one volunteering to cook, doesn't care what's in processed food, and said to buy it vs. make it.

Yeah.  That's not happening.

I snapped a photo and read the ingredients to the kids.  They all said, "so?"  I said no.  The packet of cubed stuffing was "herbed" it said.  Okay, the label says onion powder and celery.  Where are the herbs?  It's not even food.  It has high-fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated soybean oil, and soy lecithin.  

I purchased, because I'm too tired to bake, the wheat bread, organic bread and baked it into cubes myself.   I added my own home grown thyme, and some homemade onion powder

Then, I'll be making the stuffing.  I had to do some math.  I needed 16 cups of stuffing cubes, so I used 24 slices.  I measured as I put them into a zip-bag, and into the freezer until Wednesday.

I already have pre-made pie crust crumbles in the freezer.  That was easy to check off the list.

If I'm going to pre-make rolls, I really need to do that today.  I'll put them in the freezer, then pop them out to rise and back.  It's in the plan anyway.

As for the turkey.  My $42.00 grass fed, organic turkey is thawing.  Yeah, expensive, but we buy one a year for now.

I've also collected ingredients to make corn pudding, using our homemade cornbread mix.  It's hard to find organic, non-gmo corn meal in stores.  I have to order it.

As for the meal at Hubby's family?  I'm preparing a pan of potatoes the night before (if time allows), and baking our stuffing the night before.  We'll reheat in the oven the next day.

I plan on spending our meal in sweatpants and a tall glass of wine.  Pear wine.  Like it should be. 'Cause I just wanna enjoy a holiday for once, in a relaxing, no pressure way.  Someone please tell my husband that one big meal is enough.  It's not like his family is a million miles away.  Actually, we are closer to his family than mine.  Sigh. Sorry.  I don't mean to be bringing anyone down.  Just feeling a bit overwhelmed.

I am back to getting more cleaned up around the house.  Of course the walnuts are still on the table, but otherwise, I keep "truckin' on" so to speak.   I made two "cans" of homemade cream of cheese soup - one for dinner and one for the freezer. 

I have also crocheted myself a black hat (so happy to make myself something for once).

The recipes have left the house!!!!!  No kidding.  I pulled out all the ones we made, and threw the rest out.  Hallelujah!  I'll put that last pile aside until I have a "rainy day."  Boy that felt good.  I have enough recipes.  I little self-talk and wa-la, they are gone.

I didn't have the mojo to attack one area and do a "clean sweep" so I did a little of this and a little of that.  If you could all send some good thoughts today, I could use some motivation.  

I'm going to take advantage of my extra driver today.  I hope she's up for it.

I apologize for my long chatter today.  Here's to a good, prosperous, positive, mojo filled day! 


  1. I am with you on the holiday thing. It's so much pressure to make so much food - that you don't really want to eat in the first place. I love my family, but I see them every darn week. I would LOVE to spend one Thanksgiving in my sweat pants with my dogs. Being gluten free makes for a rather meager meal, unless I want to make and bring all the accoutrements myself. Which I don't. I am already bringing the pies and the cranberry sauce. I feel for you, kiddo. Thanks for letting me whine... :)

  2. If you ask me, any homemaker/wife/mother/cook can learn to hate Thanksgiving with no problem at all. (Now that's not being very thankful, is it?) I think it's the biggest, most involved meal of the year and everyone has a request as to what must be included for it to be a good Thanksgiving. And it seems to always be those people who have never put on a Thanksgiving Dinner who insist on it being just so. Okay, rant over, but as you can see, I do so sympathize and agree with you about not wanting to have to do all the work involved when it comes to making the dinner a success. You, m'dear, are not alone. End of rant. One more time.

  3. Bro Tom and I will be working Thanksgiving Day, so we'll be having our Thanksgiving either Friday or Saturday. There's only two of us, so I got us a small turkey roast, and it's thawing. The bread cubes are torn and are in the oven drying out. Then it's just make the dressing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and gravy. I think we'll have an early dinner so we can nap the rest of the day. LOL
    Prayers everyone remembers the reason for the holiday is about the love of God, family and friends, and not the food - and has a safe and blessed Thanksgiving.
    God bless.


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