Monday, November 21, 2016

...from the handiwork journal

Now that it's cold out, handiwork needs to resume.  I made these crocheted hand towels back in March of 2015.  they are still looking good.  Other than a bit of faded color, they are holding together nicely and work very well for bathroom hand towels.

I have just a bit more of this yarn to make myself a few more, so that's now in a "to-go" project bag. Trust me, I have very, very little handiwork time right now, and when I do, I am too tired to do it, ha ha!

I'll be back to working on the scrap blanket too.  When the mood strikes.  I need to find the pattern again too.  It should have been in the basket, but it's not.  Oye.

Dishcloths are getting worked on.  This one has been on the needles too long.  I'm trying to re-stock for an upcoming craft show (maybe in the spring or next fall), so I can help pay for our 19 year-old's college costs.  I'm looking into some other patterns as well. 

I painted these barn signs for the master bath.   I just need Hubby and his time and saw, to create a barn wood shelf to go under one of them.  I had to use the non-red painted side for one sign, but to be honest, it turned out great.  Stencils were used for these.

I painted these two as well, and I am thinking about creating a stencil for a chicken or something else to fill in the sides of the first sign perhaps. Not sure. We have no plans to do anything with the big barn as of right now.  We just had these boards cut a  year ago, and it was a project that needed off of the list.

Lastly, I started another slouchy hat, and actually finished it last night.  I still need to sew in the ends.


  1. Good to see you finding time for at least some handwork. I'm sure it feels good to you, too, to have your fingers in yarn rather than tomatoes!

  2. Mama Pea, you wouldn't believe it, but when I pulled those last tomato plants recently, there were tomatoes on some. I just tossed them in the pasture (yikes!) Hubby said, "What? You didn't bring them in?" of course laughing.


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