Thursday, November 10, 2016

Random Tidbits

I used a portion of a head of cabbage to make a carrot/cabbage/potato frittata (loaded with fresh chives).  I found 4 pea pods while gutting the garden, so not to waste them, they went in too.

I froze more turnip greens, dandelions, and some collards

I got all the jars on my counter tops labeled and shoved into any cupboard I could.  

Snipped up a container of chives and green onions - taking advantage while the herb garden still provides. 

Hubby and I have been successful at getting up early for the gym, and we've seen a few beautiful sunrises as well.

Baking bread continues again, but I still need to get some bags to start freezing buns for winter.

I have found Dallas right where he's supposed to be lately.  The castle is a bit taller today.  

Although, he got out later.  Again.  Somehow the Houdini sailed over that stall.

I woke up with a migraine, and should not even be operating the computer, let alone the coffee pot.  I'll have to take it easier today.  Maybe just freeze some greens and clean up my mess from yesterday.  Oh, maybe I should go to the store for toilet paper.  We went there last night, and this morning realized we didn't even get the toilet paper.  Ha!  It made both of us laugh.  


  1. Oh, homemade bread! I just put that on my list this morning . . . not that it will get done today, but just to remind me that it's something I want to start on and get loaves stashed away in the freezer! Today it's a big applesauce making day. And probably tomorrow, too. Have a good day, Kristina!

  2. Lol....Dallas might be climbing the stall to get out! Maybe pitch the top inward a bit? Take care of yourself.

  3. I hope you're feeling better. Migraines are no fun.
    Toilet paper is something I forget too, I think because it's not on the shopping list often.
    Had a minor fender bender today. No injuries (thank God), just police and insurance reports. The hassle begins. sigh
    Hope everyone's having a super week, and a safe one too.
    God bless.

  4. Mama Pea, ha! I just made one batch of applesauce too.

  5. Kim, he stayed in all day yesterday, so maybe the work it takes to get out is getting to him. Let's hope.

  6. RB, sorry to hear of your fender bender. I hope all the paperwork and repairs go quickly and inexpensively. My migraine slowly went away, but I'm thankful it did. Some unexpected stress is the cause.

  7. The inside slats of his pen does look like a ladder.
    God bless.

  8. And goats are smart little (big) buggers too.
    God bless.


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