Friday, November 11, 2016

Apple Time

We lack orchards that do not spray in our area.  The only way I'll get organic apples, is to wait for my trees to produce or buy gala organic apples from the grocer (and hope they are really organic).

I've been happy with the taste of my homemade applesauce, using gala, even though other types are suggested more often.

Twelve pounds gave me 8 pints of applesauce.  No sugar added, nor needed.  Mmm.  Cost?  $20.86  for the apples, making each pint about $2.60 each.  Not bad considering I have to pay top dollar.  I'm waiting for them to go on sale before I buy another 30#.

I had to purchase another box of pint jars to can this.  I hope I have place to store them all, as they are emptied.  Ha!

Although the seeds and cores go into the compost, the skins went to the goats and hensBoy were they all happy too.   


  1. Our apple trees didn't produce anything worthwhile this year :(
    I love having local orchards near by.
    Your applesauce looks delicious!

  2. Thanks Sandra, Hubby is having a horrible time at seeing it on the counter and not allowed to open any, ha ha! I best get it in a cupboard.

  3. Our apple trees were hit by a late frost so I had to buy apples this year. The galas I got from the local orchards were my favorite for sauce! No sugar needed.

  4. I'm into applesauce production, too. And feel very, very lucky to have an ample supply of apples from our own trees this year. So far I've canned 11 quarts which is only about a third of the quota I'm aiming for. Hope you find some more that are reasonable and unsprayed!

  5. Those apples are beautiful. I love Galas and Fujis. They're about the only apples I buy anymore.
    You know I always give the skins, cores and seeds to the hens, and now I'm wondering if that's ok seeing you don't. I hope so.
    We got a ton of errands done today. Had to. The fender bender yesterday (no injuries, minor damage - thank God) threw our schedule all off (we only have Thursdays and Friday off together), so we had to do two days worth of errands today. The only thing I forgot was English Muffins, so I'll have to get those tomorrow. I have them with cream cheese and tea for breakfast every morning.
    I pray everyone has a great weekend, and a safe one too.
    God bless.

  6. Mama Pea, holy batman, 11 quarts? I'll be lucky if I get another 8 pints, ha ha! Then again, I should be canning more than that with this family.

  7. RB, I give the cores to the hens some days, just not in large amounts, due to the apple seeds.

  8. I thought seeds were good for the hens. Not apple seeds though?
    Good to know.
    Wonder why.
    God bless.

  9. RB, I've fed them to my hens, but in very small amounts and not often. I was told, in larger amounts they are bad for them.

  10. I never knew that. I'll be more careful in the future. Thanks for the info.
    I know I've heard they can cause headaches in humans. Not sure why though.
    God bless.

  11. I found this...
    God bless.

  12. I luv Gala apples,,, and search out the Organic ones at the market,, not just for us but for our pup who loves apples and bananas...
    Costs a bit more,, but our pup (and us ) is worth it! lol!
    Oh and btw,,, have you have made apple/pear sauce? I use to make it using equal amounts of apples & pears... YUM!

  13. Katmom, I have made pear butter and apple butter but not a combo. I will have to try the next season we have pears.


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