Thursday, November 3, 2016

On the home front....

Although I don't have a photo of the soup, we recently enjoyed some crusty baked bread with some homemade potato leek soup.  Our leeks did not do well, but we found an organic source this fall. Leeks provide cardiovascular support, and we love the soup.   Homemade bread baking has resumed.

Two chairs now have a fresh coat of paint on them.  One more job off the to-do list.  Although, the wicker sofa remains to be painted.  We had a few days in the lower 70's.

National Novel Writing Month has started.  I completely forgot about it until I saw it pop up in my email.  Oops.  Now that we are getting up early for the gym, I can squeeze in more writing time.  The exciting part about it, is that my computer area in my kitchen was the first thing I cleaned up, so I'm starting the month less stressed from less mess.  Speaking of writing, November is when I paint my fingernails as sort of a muse for typing on the keyboard.  I use my chemical free nail polish.  I had to laugh.  My nail tech-in-training noticed right away and scolded me. I had promised her she could do the first one when I was done with tomatoes, ha ha!  I'll let her do the next one.  After apples are done. 

Our 17 year-old daughter made this in her ceramic class.  It's about 6 x 6 inches.  I used it to keep my bill paying station organized.  I love it!

I've been crocheting a new set of pot holders for any upcoming craft bazaars.  So far, I'm not locating any, but crocheting when I can. Ha!  Which is very little right now.

 I have a large basket of swiss chard to blanch and freeze today.  I hope I have enough ice.  It rained last night, so all outside work is halted.  That's okay, I have more inside work than I'd like right now.  I just tend to get distracted when there is no one home but myself, ha ha!

Recipe Hoard Update:  I threw away about 20 recipes.  I saved a few, but I'm still tempted to toss the rest.  I think the only answer to my madness is go through them quickly.  If the recipe is one we made, save it in one pile, and just toss the rest.  Then go through the saved pile and make sure I have a copy in the recipe box or homesteading binder.  Sounds like a plan to me.

Then I need to re-organize my homesteading binder.  It's a mess too. 



  1. With cooler weather suddenly upon us, homemade bread and soup sounds wonderful. Bro Tom isn't a fan of soup, but I could eat it for every meal every day. I love the ceramic piece. Aqua/Teal is one of my very favorite colors, along with purple and cranberry.
    I'm going to try to get started on cheater quilting again. I have the material to do it, just need to get cracking and cool weather is just perfect for it.
    Tomorrow's going to be a long day, with a funeral to go to. My supervisor at the store, a dear sweet lady and a good friend with a great heart for people, has lost her second battle with cancer. She leaves behind her 89 year old mother, a son in his 30s and a town full of friends. Very sad.
    I pray everyone has a great weekend, and a safe one too.
    Remember to always take the time to tell those you love that you love them, because between one breath and the next can come death.
    God bless.


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