Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Homemaker Monday

It's been too long since I joined the Sandra at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom, and Happy Homemaker Monday.  I hope you enjoy today's post.

The weather outside is. . .

Very nice!  We are approaching another warm up and I am tempted to ditch all the inside work and start painting my wicker porch furniture. Or try to do a bit of both.

On the breakfast plate this morning. . .

A sweet potato scramble - made with homegrown sweet potatoes, green peppers, one jalapeno, home canned caramelized onions, dandelion greens, and home raised organic eggs (and a bit of organic cumin). And a slice of organic toast topped with homemade pumpkin butter (made from a pie pumpkin).

As I look out the window. . .

I captured another beautiful sunrise, and wondered why I didn't go to the gym.  I see the clean barn Hubby and I worked on all day yesterday, and the limbs we trimmed and need to clean up.  We found things in the barn we thought we lost, found items to get rid of, give away and throw away.  I saved all my apple tree trimmings for a future smoker.  I also see a cherry tree that a deer has almost ruined by rubbing with antlers. 

Right now I am . . .
Waiting on the washing machine, for another load to go outside. 

As I look around the house. . .
I see a mountain of dirty dishes, because I spent all day Saturday on the Harley, and Sunday outside cleaning out a barn, trimming trees, and then shampooing a hallway.  The kids evidently don't know how to use a dishwasher.  Maybe I should unplug it and remove it?  Or unplug the internet.

On today's to-do list . . .
-continue my work in re-claiming the kitchen
- dishes
-clean the chicken coop
-clean one counter in the kitchen, wipe cupboards
-stake the cherry tree and protect it from the deer
-drain bilberry vinegar
-drain calendula oil
-dehydrate more sage
-label jars or I'll soon get myself in trouble
-paint wicker furniture, or at least make a start of one chair
-prep dinner lists are endless, it seems God wants me to remain busy

Happening this week . . . 
Ha, I have no clue, other than the weather will warm up, so I'll be pulling more of the garden.  I might possibly go on a motorcycle ride to hand pick some local, chemical free walnuts.

Currently reading. . .
Nothing.  Even the magazine I write for is discontinuing publication as of the November issue.  So sad.

On the TV today. . .
I don't watch much TV, but now that the nights are getting cooler, I may be watching it again.

On the menu this week. . .
~cod, asparagus
~potato leek soup and albacore tuna grilled sandwiches
~sloppy joes
~cauliflower, spinach casserole
...just random ideas this week

What I am creating at the moment. . .

A thin dishcloth for the kitchen, and a hand towel for the bathroom.  I'm using up some yarn that I can't buy anymore (for the towel).
 I had to get this book out for a special stitch I forgot how to do.  Sadly, the summer was without handiwork.  My brain needed a boost.

New recipe I tried or want to try this week. . .

 Ha ha ha ha!!  Laughing so hard over how many recipes I found while just starting the process to "re-claim" my kitchen (after a 530 pound tomato harvest year).  Oh, I am so tempted to just toss these in the burn pile and not even look at any of them.

Favorite photo from the camera. . .
The guys I rode with on Saturday.  I'm the only female joining but they don't seem to mind at all.  They truly are a blast to be around.  Always happy, joking and have a good ol' time. This is only half of the gang too.

Prayers, Inspirational Quotes or Devotionals 


  1. Fall is such a busy time of year!
    Love your handiwork :)

  2. Sounds like you have a busy to do list ahead. I have to laugh at your recipe pile and know I should burn mine now which is about triple yours. I hope you have a great week.

  3. Tammy, I am so tempted to go through the recipes, but know I'll end up making that pile grow, ha ha!

  4. Whew, you are super busy out there! Seeing all your recipes reminds me that I really do need to clean out my cookbook collection.

  5. Jean, I took a few recipes off the stack to read, and decided I didn't need to try them. Now, for the rest, ha ha!

  6. You are so busy. I need a nap after reading this. LOL
    The towel looks so pretty. Is it made with cotton yarn?
    Prayers everyone's having a wonderful week, and a safe one too.
    God bless.

  7. RB, yes. It's 100% cotton, but I think the yarn is a 2-ply yarn, thinner than the cotton I use to knit dishcloths with. I bought it years ago when a company closed and can't buy it anymore.


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