Friday, May 27, 2016

Stray is Named ~ Homemade Ginger-ale

This young guy has been seen off and on since last winter.  We thought he was housing up in what's left of our largest barn, but wasn't sure.  

Well, my Vet Tech-in-training, has been able to get the cat to come to her, let her hold him (a bit reluctant), and will come to the house to eat the cat food.

She's now named him "Leo."

He's very shy, but has stayed evidently.  I could use another mouser/rodent control cat.  If we can get him to be more friendly, he'll be making a visit to the vet to be snipped.

Speaking of cats, although Aurora has been a pistol lately (getting into my pots and flattening my thyme), she is the "Mom" of our barn cats.  Last night she killed a baby rabbit and brought it to the house and fed it to Timmy.  She is just sat behind him licking her paws, so proud of herself.  Maybe she'll take care of our rabbit problem for us.

The rain never arrived yesterday, and today's it's only a 30% chance.  I was able to get 4 rows of green beans (two types), and some mounds of honey nut butternut squash.   This year I am planting my squash in with the tomatoes to save space. 

I need my "till man" to till more garden area up to finish, but he turned sick yesterday.  For some reason, he will not teach me to start the tiller (could be a man thing, not sure).  Anyway, he went to work sick, stayed and worked until 5:30pm, came home and went straight to bed.  I whipped up some ginger-ale syrup, and gave him hot mullein tea (excellent astringent). He slept all night.  

I only had some "sage honey" on hand and used it this time to make the ginger-ale syrup.  It did not alter the taste.

Ginger is also great for soothing sore muscles, so I made a double batch.  Now I can have a ice cold glass after garden work as well.

After ripping out four rows, I decided to call it quits last night.  I thought I could get a bit done while I waiting for Hubby to get home.  I did not.  It was too sticky and hot to be crocheting such a project. 


  1. Looks like Leo has found a good home. Sorry to hear your hubby is under the weather. Speaking of weather, it's hot and sticky by you? Cold and foggy here. More rain again overnight so there will still be no garden work today for me. Did you send this rain our way? Thanks for squelching the wildfire danger which is wonderful, but now I need some drying, warm weather to get back out into the garden, please! ;o]

  2. Leo is identical to my Slimbo! I love ginger, in any form. I was thinking I may try to make my own ginger ale this year - it's on The List. I have some knitting projects started but I know what you mean. All of a sudden, it's gone to hot and humid. I think they are shelved until October.

  3. Mama Pea, it's very hot and humid here right now. Looks like the rain may be paying us a visit. Just maybe. I hope you dry up for that garden work. If you are like me, I have more seeds to get in the ground.

  4. Susan, I keep fresh ginger on hand all the time now, along with small bottles of club soda. I can make it up when someone is ill or I need it for a cold iced drink.

  5. Glad you're finally able to get some gardening done. It's been raining here and storming non-stop but no loss of power or anything severe. What a handsome guy that Leo and so glad to hear you have plans to get him snipped. So sorry to hear hubby is ill. He is such a hard worker and so are you. Love the blanket you;re crocheting but yes...heat and humidity do not make for enjoyable yarn fun.

  6. Sam I Am, we have not received the rain they predicted, so it must to hovering over you. We could use it too, but I'll keep planting until it arrives. Our daughter was able to pick up Leo by the scruff and see that he was indeed a boy. We wanted to know if we see kittens this spring. Boy cats tend to fight a lot also, when they are not snipped, so it will keep him around, and keep us from getting an overload of barn kittens. I am really trying to finish that baby blanket, but I may have to resort to doing it inside, in front of a fan, ha ha!


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