Saturday, May 28, 2016

Rhubarb ~ Flowers - Tidbits

It's the second year for this rhubarb.  I had so much trouble getting it to take on here, first in the garden, then in a raised bed.  I'm so happy to see it flourishing.  Next year we get to finally eat it.

We are beautifying the front and back porch with some hanging pots.  Boy was it hard to find good ones this year, that didn't cost a fortune.  We need four more to complete the beautification.

Our irises have bloomed.  However, I will need to thin these out next spring.

A quick update on the nuisance business.  More bands pulled out of his concert week (word is he can't pay them the down payment, one big band stated it for a fact in a video they posted), and more customers are irate.  Some people have, according to their online information, have spent up close to $800-900.00 for this so-called event.  The possibility of angry customers mistaking our home for his (looking for a refund he is not giving) is now a safety and welfare issue for not just us, but all neighboring homes.  These are angry rednecks looking for their money back.

Not sure if I updated you all, but another person flew through our U-shaped drive, coming very close to hitting our 16 year-old daughter and King.  She was exiting the door closest to the drive, when it happened.  They drove straight to our nuisance neighbor's house.  I got a photo of the car, but not plates.  This has all been reported, but it continues to happen, and with all this out-of-state people coming, it will be an issue of another kind.

This has gotten way out of control now.  I had a huge mud truck pull in this week, and just sit in the north drive.  I was about to go in and get the shotgun, when they took off.

And the heck with orange cones.  Now that school is out for the year, we are going to put a chain (or rope) across the north drive and a barricade on the southI noticed another neighbor is barricading his driveway every day now as well.

Have a nice Memorial Day weekend.  We'll be working in the garden if it doesn't thunderstorm here.



  1. Sure sounds like the nuisance business is coming to an end . . . still ugly though the happenings may be. Let's hope (and I know you do!) some legal action is taken so he shuts down completely.

    Hope you have a good gardening holiday weekend. We're still in the throes of rain, rain, rain. Possible sunshine on Monday, but not til then. I am absolutely cringing at how weed-filled my gardens are becoming!

  2. Mama Pea, we finally got a rain shower late afternoon yesterday. It was enough to fill two empty rain barrels halfway up. I get Sunday off today. Whew. I need a day off, but we now need to till up to plant, ha ha. We may get sunshine Monday too. I wanted to go camping, but I am so tired, the thought of getting food to prep and pack, wore me out. Campground will be too crowded anyway. Yesterday we saw about 5 troopers and a few deputies driving up and down the highway, one pulled someone over. We can only hope with beefed up security this weekend, they can put a stop to mud trucks driving up and down the highway covered in mud, and 4-wheelers illegally using the roadways. And those drinking and driving.

  3. What a bad situation for you and your family. I so hope that it someday gets resolved so you can have some peace.

  4. I remember our paternal Grandmother had a bed of rhubarb in her yard to make rhubarb pie for our Granddad who loved it. She often reminded us not to touch it because it was poison, until we got old enough to understand and pick it for her.
    Regarding the nuisance neighbor, sounds like you need some trail cams up by the driveway. I'd also consider studding a 2x4 or 2x6 with spikes and putting it down across any driveway you don't need to use.
    That'll stop them...quickly!!!
    Prayers for a safe and blessed week for everyone.
    God bless.

  5. RB, thanks for that tip. We do have a camera on the driveway, but they are driving through too fast to catch them. We'll rope it off or chain it off.


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