Friday, March 25, 2016

Zippy Carrots ~ Tidbits

I've been flipping trough the new recipes and picking out ones I have ingredients on hand for.  The next to try was a side dish - Zippy Carrots.

I you freeze carrots and green bell peppers, grow garlic, can ketchup, make your own butter, you'll like this "from storage" side dish. 

I'll admit, plain carrots are boring anyway. I used all organic ingredients.

Zippy Carrots
1 Tbsp. butter
1 1/2 cups sliced carrots
1 garlic clove minced
1 Tbsp. water
2 Tbsp. diced green pepper
2 tsp. ketchup
pinch of chili powder
(serves 2)

(before adding ketchup and chili pepper)

In a saucepan, melt butter over medium heat, add carrots and garlic (see note),  cook, and stir for 1 minute.  Add water, cook until carrots are crisp tender, about 6 minutes.  Add green pepper; cook 2 minutes longer.  Remove from the heat, stir in ketchup and chili powder.

I, of course, tripled this recipe for my family, but it was well received.  Almost like a BBQ recipe, but different.   My family loved this.  A great way to add a veggie with a twist.  I think I would make these ahead and take them camping too.

The rain storms have stopped, but we need wind and sunshine to dry it all up now.  Although it's Easter weekend, we have a lot of work to do. 


  1. Well, darn it. I am trying to go through my stack of recipes and you keep putting up ones I want to try!

  2. He he he! Susan, I almost did not put this one up. Hubby worked late so he never got to taste them until lunch the next day at work. He came home and said, "those were way too good to be carrots."

  3. We eat most of our carrots as raw munchies and I put carrots in a lot of soups and such but have probably cooked carrots as a side dish only a handful of times in the past umpteen years. This recipe does sound good though. I think you have to do something "special" to cooked carrots to make them appetizing!

  4. Mama Pea, other than shredding raw carrots into a salad, we don't eat enough of them raw. I should do better at that.

  5. Sounds very different and interesting. We usually have ours glazed. I put butter, carrots, sugar (Splenda), cinnamon, salt and pepper in a skillet. Add a 1/2 cup of water and simmer until the carrots are tender. As the water evaporates, the butter/sugar mix glazes the carrots. I serve it with fresh minced parsley over the top. It's yummy too.
    God bless.

  6. RB, I have made glazed root veggies in my crock pot before too. Yum.


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