Saturday, March 26, 2016

Surprise Mail and Other Homestead Happenings

There is a lot going on this weekend.  One surprise I can't tell you about until tomorrow.

The mail surprise was a blessing. My cousin messaged me that he had his Mom's knitting needles and crochet hooks and wanted to know if I'd like to have them.

I said yes of course.  My Aunt is the Aunt I hand wrote letters to so often, along with "happy boxes."

The surprise was this! I not only received needles and hooks, but yarn, and her notebook with patterns, and this very old pattern book.  What a treasure to have!

I've successfully made another new dishcloth.   What can I say?  It was a rainy day that day.   It may be trivial, but I learned SL with knitting now (purlwise and knitwise).   This dishcloth is knitted on the inside and crocheted on the border.  I just used up some extra "country yellow" I had.  The remaining yarn will be used in the scrap rug.

My nephew turned two, and we are blessed to find out they are expecting again, and this time it is a girl.  I need to get his present delivered sometime soon too.  

I must ska-doodle and get this posted. Have a wonderful Saturday.


  1. How wonderful to get that treasure box of items that were your aunt's.

    My mom didn't knit a lot but some She was an expert crocheter and did a lot of that. I have her knitting needles and gave her crochet hooks (some of them bone) to my daughter because she inherited the talent for crocheting.

    Your knitting looks very even and lovely. I knew you would be able to knit because you're so talented with all handwork.

  2. Thank you Mama Pea. I hope to get some socks knitted next. Maybe next winter.

  3. Well congratulations. What wonderful Easter surprises.
    Prayers for everyone to have a safe happy week.
    God bless.

  4. Well congratulations. What wonderful Easter surprises.
    Happy Easter everyone!!!
    Prayers for everyone to have a safe happy week.
    God bless.

  5. what a fantastic surprise!
    I know you'll treasure your aunts crafting tools...and and think of her often when you use them!
    congrats on the new neice. We don't know what we are getting with this next grandbaby due in late July. I should be crocheting SOMEthing. I have been crazy busy. The dish cloth is cheerful.

    Hope you have a great week!

  6. Patricia, there are three babies due in our family this fall. I may be gifting diapers. Two on Hubby's side, and one on my side of the family.


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