Monday, March 28, 2016

Herbal Coffee ~ Mini Pineapple Crochet Applique ~ Tidbits

I placed an order for the Teccino herbal coffee sampler reently.  I wanted to give it a taste test before introducing it to my Mom.  She really can't drink regular coffee, and decaf can (from what I read) contain traces of caffeine.  

This coffee was rated organic, and made with various nuts, fruits, and herbs.  These are completely caffeine free.  I'll let you all know how they taste.  They are all non-gmo as well.

This was the last thing I handcrafted free - a mini pineapple applique made into a "bag tag."  These are too delicate to use as a keychain, but kids like to hang them on their backpacks. A daughter's friend wanted one after seeing some on her backpack.  I had to explain to Daughter, if she brings me any more orders they have a price tag.  By the way, I found a free pattern for a larger pineapple online, and simply used the crochet thread.

The younger two only have today and tomorrow for Easter break, but everyone else has to work or go to college.  We'll probably just hang out here.

I made my first trip to the vegetable garden.  It was too wet to till, weed or plant, but my garlic looks great.  No asparagus yet.  It's a good feeling to visit the garden again.

Easter Sunday was the most beautiful day.  Hubby and I spent the entire afternoon and evening on the porch.  We even popped some homegrown popcorn.  We both had work to do early in the day, but after that we relaxed.  It was totally worth it.  Shortly after we came inside, it poured down rain.

I was probably the only person with laundry on their clothesline yesterday, but a gal has to take advantage of a "good weather day."




  1. Oh, that pineapple is too stinking cute! Almost as cute as your new little goats - they are so adorable. Much nicer than a lawnmower... I, too, had laundry on the line yesterday. It was a perfect day - breezy and warm.

  2. Sounds like a lovely Easter at your house.

    We had nice weather, too, although still a little cool. The sunshine was really nice and we had a fun dinner with our daughter and another couple.

    The early Easter is over and now we're all on to waiting for real spring time weather so we can begin our outside tasks and wanna-do things. Have a good week!

  3. Thanks Susan. When she came home and said her friend wanted a mini pineapple, I was hoping I could whip one up that looked like a pineapple. My pattern book has watermelon slice and a few others.

  4. Mama Pea, I already put out one rain barrel, in hopes to plant a new redbud tree this spring (and maybe a new plum tree if it died in the flood). I use rain water when we plant a new tree. However, we will be dipping down to 32° not long from now, so I hope my water in it doesn't freeze. Hubby says it won't.

  5. Creative crocheting :)
    I need to have my mom teach me.

  6. Sandra, although my mom crocheted, I never learned from her. I taught myself with library books (before the internet).

  7. We've had glorious weather the past few days, but the pollen is so thick down here from the pines and flowering trees, you can't leave the windows open without having a thick coating of sticky thick pollen on everything after,'s awful for my allergies too. Still, I can look out the window to see the beauty of things budding and blooming.
    Tomorrow night, storms are suppose to start. I hope it's not too bad, but I also hope it'll knock some of this pollen down and wash it away.
    God bless.

  8. RB, we've had a few high pollen days here from the trees, but not nearly as bad as you have. Hopefully the rain will clear the air.


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