Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Breakfast Fun ~ Random Tidbits

I've been playing around with new breakfast recipes.  This one I printed from the internet, and is a diabetic friendly dish.  I like their recipes (Diabetic Living recipes online), because they are very healthy recipes.  This one won over.  Everyone liked it.  Some grocery stores sell non-gmo/organic hash browns in the organic freezer section, or you could make them from organic potatoes too.  If you google it, it's called "Sweet Pepper Hash Brown Baked Eggs."  It was sort of fun to make this too.

I'm also feeding the two younger girls dandelions for breakfast, and they can't even taste them in the scramble I made.  I need to pick more dandelions up on my next trip to the "big city."  I am on my last bag in the freezer.  They go back to school tomorrow.   They had a very short spring break.

Today the sun is shining and the temperature may reach about 57°F so I'm heading out to the barn(s) and locating corner fence posts.  By golly, a dog fence is going up one way or another, even if that means me digging and putting in corner poles.  One day at a time.  

King is gaining strength and he needs room to romp and play and disperse his high energy.  Zuri too, just not as much of that "Lab" energy King has.

I am locating Hubby many root cellar plans to review.   I'll have to check to see if the building permit is still $50.00, but otherwise we will start buying supplies.  We'll need to get that other dead tree knocked down first, but we can get plans rolling, supplies purchased, and so forth.  We are thankful we have family in the construction business.  I'll need to whip up some outdoor patio meals for the hungry guys, so I'm meal planning for that today too (just getting some ideas on paper).

My favorite idea for a root cellar is to rip out the entire kitchen floor, dig it under there, and put a door in the floor.  Hubby knocked that idea right out the door.  It would be ideal, but with so many living here, and animals, we'd have to live elsewhere to do all that.  It would make an ideal storm shelter too.  Phooey.  Either way, we'll get a location for it.

Now, let's all pray for good weather this year, and not a monsoon like the entire season last year.  



  1. That new egg dish looks like a dandy one to serve when you have many mouths to feed!

    A fenced in yard for the dogs, a root cellar . . . uh-oh, the spring projects are beginning in your neck o' the woods! Ours are still in the planning stages, but now with more than 50% of our snow gone, we are getting outside to do a few things.

  2. Mama Pea, I weeded out my garlic yesterday. I am sure I'll be sleeping well at night with all of this work now.

  3. I do hope you get your root cellar this year. I will be taking notes. That breakfast dish looks really good! I am saving it for my first sweet pepper harvest!

  4. Susan, I think we will be making it with block walls mud 2 feet on roof and door and stairs to walk down. I just don't know where we'll dig it yet. My kids loved that hash/egg/pepper dish. So fun to make too.

  5. Ah yes, a root cellar! Good for you guys. Spring does bring a host of plans with it.

  6. Sam I Am, everything on our to-do list is based on good weather this year. We are praying for less rain than last year. There was no time for it to dry up, so we could not dig the root cellar.

  7. I think I'd put that root cellar very near to one of the house doors, so it COULD be used for a storm shelter if needed.
    We're doing ok here. Storms from the midwest seem to have all gone north or south, which is good for us here in south central NC. Allergies are still a problem though, a terrible problem, with yellow pollen flying thick like dust storms through the air, and when it rains, it flows down the side of the road like sludge. It's terrible.
    I pray everyone has a safe happy weekend.
    God bless.

  8. RB, our propane tank is buried, so we have to consider that too. We may end up having it dug up to put the root cellar close to the house.

  9. Yikes!!!
    I think digging up and relocating a propane tank is expensive, but you should be able to put the root cellar within 25' of it. Right?
    God bless.

  10. RB I think we'll be able to get it close enough to the house without digging up the tank. We need to go out and measure yet. First, that dead tree needs out of the way. Today would be ideal since the ground is frozen again.


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