Friday, February 5, 2016

Random Tidbits

Over last weekend, there was a shooting in a town where I typically grocery shop.  The man shot two people, then got in his car (with kids) and drove miles towards our area.

That chase landed literally almost at the front of our homestead.  Just another reason to be prepared out here.

The idiot neighbor is now sending his customers to our house to ask for "free" barn wood.  They are knocking on my door well after dark, telling us they go to the neighbor's business, and they are actually telling us that "they" are sending them to us.  So two "SOLD" signs are going on the big barn.  Like I said, he's an idiot.  That's putting it nicely.

In the meantime, I've been upping my step count with exercise, but I think I pulled a ligament lifting weights.  Guess I'll stick to walking for now, ha ha!  
I lost my list of things to do. Ha!  Thoughts go out of my mind as fast as they come in, hence the list.  Hm.  

I do remember a few things on it.  

Like where did I put our humidifier? The air has been a bit dry indoors.

Where are my speed bag gloves?  These warmer days have me hankering to exercise outside of the house.

And I need to water my houseplants.  

...until I find the list again.  I need a tack board, not sticky notes.

I actually started picking up sticks in the side yard.  These can add up to a big mess, and fill up the brush pile quickly.  I could use the extra movement anyway. 

I think of winter time as a time to recalculate, ponder, plan, and so forth.  Today's ponder?  If my band-aid supply is sufficient.  Do I have enough finger-tip and knuckle band-aids, and do I need butterfly tape?  We go through a lot here, especially over summer.   I have sufficient supply of homemade neosporin.

Heavy thoughts, right? 

We now know that someone is trespassing onto our property after dark recently.  We didn't catch them (looked like more than one), but will be watching more often, and it appears they were looking for deer cameras.  

No word yet on Daughter's last job interview.  However, that's not letting her sit idle.    She's busy applying for more jobs.  Apparently, getting a job these days is harder than one might think.

Yesterday, I delivered Dad's meals.  This time he got homemade sloppy joes, rosemary roasted potatoes, corn off the cob, roast cooked with homemade condensed mushroom soup, boiled potatoes with carrots, farm fresh eggs (scrambled), sausage and four energy bites.  

Since I was already in the big city, I stopped at the Hobby Lobby, but left without yarn.  I'm quite dissappointed in Hobby Lobby's selection of yarn now. They swapped out the cotton yarn brands for a cheaper variety, and you get less in the roll.  I'm putting a "date" in with the Hubster, to head the opposite direction some day soon, and try JoAnn Fabrics store.  Otherwise, I'll have to seek online shopping.  

That about sums up today's tidbits.  I spent almost all day in the kitchen yesterday, so tonight it's leftovers.  I'm pretty sure I won't find one energy bite left, ha ha! 


  1. You are one busy lady! So much going on in and around your home. More around your home than I'm sure you'd like to see! It might be a good idea to put a trail camera on the area by your barn in case those people don't ask first and just go to "take" some of your barn wood. That would be solid evidence for law enforcement to see!

  2. Boy, it almost sounds like you're being assailed from all sides! Wouldn't it be nice if we could choose our neighbors? All mine are in need of new exhaust systems - you can hear them coming a mile away. We have some yarn stores but they are quite a drive from me. All the better, I think. I need to focus on my stash and steel myself against bringing anymore in the house.

  3. Susan, I wish we could all pick our neighbors. I just went into my stash of yarn to see if another color would work. Looks like I can use what I have thankfully.

  4. If you can get someone on video actually saying the "idiot" sent them, you might be able to press charges of some kind. I'd also get some automatic exterior lights, that will come on when someone or something walks into the area. That might keep trespassers a way off, at least at night.
    I usually try to check online for products before going to an actual store to get them, just to be sure the store carries them and save myself a bit of gas and time.
    I pray everyone has a wonderful safe weekend and prayers daughter gets the best job out there for her to get.
    God bless.

  5. Thanks RB, those are good tips. I may carry my phone with me to the door from now on, and have it on record.


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