Thursday, February 4, 2016

No Bake Energy Bites

On a whim, yes I did it again, I tried a new recipe shared by my mother.  A recipe that was not in my "pile."

Sigh. Recipes will just be getting the best of me here lately.

These were so easy to make, and I had all the organic ingredients on hand too.

1 cup oatmeal
1/2 cup ground flax seed
1/2 cup chocolate chips *
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/3 cup honey
1 tsp. vanilla 

Mix all ingredients and roll into bite size balls and refrigerate.  

Note:  *For the chocolate chips,I used a non-gmo mini chocolate chip that I can buy in the organic section of my grocer (health stores sell them too).

I accidentally left out the vanilla extract.  

I had one eye on the mixing bowl and one eye on King, who was "eyeing" my mixing bowl.  Hence the forgetful mind while mixing.

I'll be making them again, and again, and trying it with the vanilla next time.  

Gosh only knows, I'll need those little power boosters this summer too.

I used organic old fashioned oats too.  I think I got about 2 1/2 dozen "bites" from the batch too.  I used my small cooking scoop.

The family devoured them.  The best part, is that I can make these in the heat of summer, and not heat up my house in the process too.

I'd keep them in the refrigerator too.  If you leave them out, they get soft and fall apart a bit. 


  1. Nice recipe I will have to give this one a try as well. Thanks for sharing it.

  2. Kim, they were well liked here. I want to make more today, so I can deliver some to my Dad too.

  3. Can you freeze them as well? I have a recipe that calls for dates, coconut and chocolate that I enjoy, but I am a fan of oats.

  4. Susan, I can't see what not. I mean I store my flax seed itself in the freezer. That is a good idea too.

  5. These do look good! I have some flaxseeds I need to use up. Wish I could find some non-gmo chocolate chips around here.

  6. Thanks for adding that they should be kept in the refrigerator. I was going to ask that. I can see them being a really good treat when cold in the summer time. Although you may have to hide them in a container labeled "leftovers" or some such to keep everyone out of them! ;o]

  7. Mama Pea, I found a way to keep my vegetarian kids out of them, ha ha! I put them in a container and said, "hey, they look like mini meatballs!" They devoured them as fast as I made the next batch. I stole about four to share with my Dad too.

  8. I love this recipe!! I make them all the time. My family loves them and we eat them before and after we workout of during a long day of gardening in substitute for lunch. I'm so glad you like them!!

  9. Sounds good. With that flax seed, sounds like it would get the plumbing running too.
    God bless.

  10. Leah and RB, they are very good. I can't keep enough on hand with my large family, ha ha!


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