Saturday, January 9, 2016

Winter has arrived, and other homestead ramblings

It rained here again.  No big news, considering our monsoon year.  In with a bang, out with a bang.  Although it is a new year, so it can stop now.

I'll let you know of the weatherman was right.  We are to get an inch of snow tomorrow.  We haven't had any snow that has stayed this winter yet.

Seeds are all ordered now.  I just have to locate an organic gardener for plants for the rest.  I really do need my greenhouse built.  

Miracles can happen.

The days are already getting longer, so I don't have to rush to get my laundry down and put away, dinner on the table, and chickens all locked up by 5pm.  I don't have to rush to the big city to deliver Dad's meals before dark now either.  Thankfully, the days are gracing us with more light later at night.

Rainy days do however, give me time to ponder and regroup.  I see a pile of books I received for Christmas, one I am still reading (no surprise there), and...

..another pile from the library.  No surprise there either. By the way this book has many recipes in it. 

I started crocheting a hat for another family member, but meanwhile my knitting needles hold desperately to a half-way knitted dishcloth, while a crochet hook hold tight to a half-way crocheted soap saver bag.  The scrap rug is still being made as I locate scraps of yarn in my ice box of a closet too.  I try to zip in and out before my warm cozy room freezes over (wall will be vented this spring so I won't deal with that any more).

My 19 year-old daughter gifted me a tin of English Breakfast tea.  I've been enjoying it lately. 

I'm thankful I made sage honey this past fall.  It's worked wonders on sore throats.  However, we have been managing to stay much more healthier than last few years. 

I'm researching wood working plans for a new goat shed.  I can't believe I never thought to put wheels on Orion's old shed.  Live and learn. 

Meanwhile the "list" continues to remain a list.  The wet winter has prevented us from clearing the dead trees.  Unfortunately, one of the trees needs to go before we can tackle the "list" again.


  1. We got rain yesterday as well and it is so warm today that the stink bugs are moving around,

  2. There's something about dealing with outside chores and animals in the winter that makes one go "back to the drawing board" to plan better buildings, shelters or ways of doing things. My wish list contains plans for a barn attached to the house. Hey, they did it in Europe for centuries and it sounds like a good idea to me!

  3. It always feels like we don't have enough hours in the days, doesn't it? I love rain but yes, when we have non stop for weeks it drives me a little batty lol

    The book you're reading looks like one I would enjoy, I will have to look it up :)

  4. Raining here again too. I like rain. God can keep the thunder, lightning, high winds and hail though, not that He asks me. And I hesitate to complain about it raining, cause then we might get a drought, and our farmer neighbors don't need that.
    God bless.

  5. Kim, it was very warm the other day here too. My Mom was seeing stink bugs too.

  6. Ha! Mama Pea, a barn next to the house? Brilliant! And a door to walk through without going outside too, ha ha!

  7. Sandra, about half the book is recipes. I am enjoying it. So far, it's contained more information on each herb/spice.

  8. RB, we are not getting any thunder and lightning either, but it's pouring down by the buckets still. And this is to turn to snow today (Sunday). Not sure if that will happen. I'm sure the creek is flooded by now.

  9. Mama Pea - Early Europeans did indeed have barns or lean-tos attached right to their houses. Some still do. And some put their dwellings in the upper story above the barns, because the body heat of the animals on the first level helped keep the upper levels warmer in winter.
    As for the smell, well - I guess they must keep those areas well mucked out, and often even burn the dried droppings from large animals inside their living quarter stoves and fireplaces for warmth.
    Brilliant huh.
    God bless.


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