Friday, January 8, 2016

Random Tidbits

Last Saturday, after the library closed, I made a trip to return books.  I had to put them in the outside return, because I had so much going on until Thursday.

Keep in mind, I had 2 bags full, and two to three more good size piles of books to return.

I felt terrible I had to use the return, and they had to haul those books indoors, so I made the librarians a batch of homemade sorghum chips.  I hope they liked them.

Meanwhile, the mailman has been making deliveries here.  I received my capsule machine and a box of empty capsules to start making my organic turmeric capsules.

I received our first order of garden seeds, and medicinal herb seeds too.  

You might see a gap in blog posts.   Apparently, our computer is demanding an upgrade.


  1. What a nice thought, I dont suppose they get many gifts, the capsule machine looks good :-)

  2. Dawn, I hope they liked the candy. It has a nice molasses flavor to it. The first thing I plan to make with capsule machine is turmeric. I do need to do more research on other herbs/spices too.

  3. I'll be interested in hearing what you think about the capsule machine. I have one just like it and find I can fill more capsules faster working with a bowl of whatever I'm putting in the capsules and filling them by hand. I separate the two parts of the capsules, use one to scoop up the ingredients (full to brim) and then pop the top on the capsule. My dear husband couldn't believe the little "machine" wouldn't be faster so he tried it and found it to be as inefficient as I did. But maybe it's just us, and it will work slick as can be for you! Let me know.

  4. You can saute a little oil, turmeric and mustard seeds and toss in large chopped green cabbage til it wilts a bit. Delish!!!

  5. You are very thoughtful and I bet they are thrilled with your gift! I know our library staff would be. Of course, their book return is right by the front door!

  6. Mama Pea, that is very interesting. I haven't filled my capsules yet, but I'll let you know what my thoughts are on it.

  7. Nancy, thanks. I will have to try that dish.

  8. Susan, I had to return them when the library was closed, due to a busy schedule. They locked the return when they are open.


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