Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Organic Homemade Bubble Bath

My week started off in the opposite direction of happy, zippy, and oh so jolly.   My nerves needed a calm down time. I've wanted to try this recipe for so long - homemade bubble bath.

Guess what?  I made it but, never tried it last night.  Ha.  Jokes on me I guess for lack of brain memory space.  I was so involved with a crochet project, the night got away from me quickly. It goes to show folks though, how crocheting is a relaxing hobby too.

I'll give it a whirl soon, and let you know if it really "bubbles up" or not.  It's made with organic castille soap (liquid) - 1 cup, organic vegetable glycerin - 1/4 cup, organic honey - 1 Tbsp, and organic essential oil - 20 drops (I used clove bud).  Clove bud oil is often used for pain and stress, and has "relaxing" qualities.  You could add any essential oil to this.  I will try lavender and other oils in the future.

There are many different recipes online for bubble bath, so I'll be trying more if this one doesn't hold up. The recipe I made, makes approximately 1 1/4 cups, and you use 1/2 cup for the bath.


  1. Interesting to see if you like it. Reminds me my mother use to make a bubbling bath oil I believe it was. Wow, that was years ago! I might have to look for that recipe.

  2. Kim, I'll be sure to let you know. There are so many different recipes for it.

  3. The bubble bath sounds wonderful!
    I am trying to make more of our own HBA items :) Thanks for sharing your recipe!

  4. I hope you drank some relaxing tea while you relaxed with your crocheting! Glad you got some soothing of nerves time in anyway.

  5. Mama Pea, I made a hot cup of thyme tea. Today I may need some lemongrass, holy basil, or chamomile.

  6. Sounds lovely right now. I save all the rose scented Dove bath soap ends, put them in a Mason jar with water and sit them under the sink (out of way). Once the emulsion gets rather thick, whenever I need to refill the hand soap dispensers, I use this. It works and smells so good, like a nice clean bath.
    I've also taken comfrey from the garden, put it into the toe of an old knee high hosiery, tied the top of the knee high around the tub faucet and let the water flow over the comfrey/knee high while filling the tub. It's relaxing and makes the skin feel so silky. I've also done it with fresh lavender for a relaxing scent.
    God bless.

  7. Funny story.
    One year I planted lavender in big pots beside the porch swing, thinking as we swang (swung?) back and forth, the swing would brush the lavender and send up the scents. When the flowers came up, they were petunias, not lavender, so I figured the seeds had gotten in the wrong pouch at the seed factory and we enjoyed the petunias until the first frost killed them.
    The next spring when I was going to plant petunias in the pots (I figured worked once, might as well try them again), there were new sprouts in the pots, so I left them alone. When they matured, it was lavender that came up and lavender has come up in those pots ever since then.
    True story!
    I don't know how to explain it.
    God bless.


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