Thursday, January 28, 2016

All things random. . .

I thought I had a plan yesterday, but when I went to do my laundry, I found this.

I scraped the barrel for one load of laundry.  And don't you hate it when you get all the laundry into the washing machine only to walk down the hall (or where ever) and find one long lost sock that fell out of the dirty clothes pile you were carrying?  Happens to me every time, ha ha!

I am lucky to have one batch of unscented goat's milk soap.  Our daughter made it just before we re-homed her goats last summer.

Sparta  and the ladies were thrilled to get out of the coop for some sun and fun, but right after I let them out the sun went under.  Either way, they had a most enjoyable day outside.  It was still cold, but no snow or rain, or even wind.  They, for the most part, behaved and stayed out of the herb garden.  I could hear him singing his gargle of a call all day long.  He can't cock-a-doodle-doo like a normal rooster.  From a young age, he'd sound like he was gargling.  To this day, it's the same sound, ha ha!  That makes him kind of special.

I should have taken a photo of our dinner last night.  I wanted to make a sweet potato hash, but ran out of sweet potatoes.  Instead, I cut up some organic carrots, pulled some diced bell peppers and kale from the freezer and made a carrot and kale hash.  Vegetarians could have eggs with their meal, and for the meat lovers, I added some ground organic beef (organic turkey is very hard to find here).  Instead of adding hot red pepper flakes, I added "fire powder" to the meat lover version.  Delicious.

Recently, our world has been tossed and turned here.   We are telling everyone, if they have bad news, to keep it to themselves until next week.  I almost feel overwhelmed by it all, but I should not.  I think that bubble bath is calling me.

On the positive side, our 19 year-old has a second interview today.  It's a job at a dog kennel business in the "big city" and there is the possibility of pay raises after 90 days.  They told her they can have as many as 70 dogs there (and they take in cats too).  They have a pond for the dogs - how fun!

I'm also learning that if I want to run on the treadmill, I must make sure I can find my heat-able lavender pack by nighttime.


  1. Even when things are especially stressful for you, Kristina, you still manage to post about interesting and upbeat parts of your day.

    Sure hope you daughter lands that job working with all the animals, or another one like it. What a great way to affirm her desire to become an veterinarian's assistant . . . and what great training!

  2. Mama Pea, she is so eager, she wants to start work ASAP if they hire her. Thanks too, for the pep talk.

  3. You hang in there and indulge in that bubble bath. Kudos for daughter. And always remember that which he takes us to he will always lead us through.

  4. I agree with Mama Pea - no matter what, you rise above it and continue on with a positive attitude. I look forward to each of your posts. What a great job that would be for your daughter - keeping fingers crossed that they realize what a gem they have in her!

  5. I know what you mean...negativity is all around us and it's hard to shut the door on it but I try. Good luck to your daughter!

  6. Sending prayers for the turmoil in your lives to settle down with positivity in the outcomes, all according to God's will
    Praying everyone has a safe and blessed weekend.
    God bless.


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