Thursday, December 10, 2015

Library Loot ~ Beginner Medicinal Herbal Book

I've been borrowing books from the library, over and over, contemplating which is the best medicinal herb book to purchase and have on hand (along with handicraft pattern books).  The above stack came in all at once, and my loving Hubby picked them up for me.  He was struggling to get in the house with them, ha ha!  I had to explain, how it saves us money. 

I do like the recipes in this book - Medicinal Herbs, A Beginner's Guide, by Rosemary Gladstar.  I think I've shared this book before also.  I have one of her books with herbal tea recipes and make the teas.  This book remains on my wish list, unless another one interests me.

These other three have many recipes that may be useful for us too.  There is a headache tea I'd like to try, and a few others, but need a few more herbs planted next year.  For now, I'll borrow these again.

In the process of borrowing books on growing mustards, and making mustards, I located more herbal recipes for meals here.  I actually found enough that I am making a binder for all recipes with herbs (because my recipe box in my kitchen has exploded).

I checked my library account again - 7 more books were in.   The bottom one may be the one home manual I need to buy regarding medicinal herbs.   Most of these I am flipping through quickly, but taking notes and checking costs.  I'm also looking at the recipes.  I do not want to buy a book that has strange ingredients that I do not grow or cannot buy organic at a good price either.  

Now...if I can find a book that contains a great length of information on using turmeric for pain and other health issues, I'll be even happier. 

I have been madly working on handmade Christmas gifts for the girls, writing, and puppy training. 

Last night's dinner?  Homemade meatballs baked and warmed in the crock pot with home canned hot pepper mustard sauce, and roasted brussel sprouts with onions and garlic.   

Library Loot ~ Beginner Medicinal Herbal Book  © Dec 2015 by Kristina at Pioneer Woman at Heart


  1. I have not had time to pour over books lately that will have to wait till early next year when we have some(white)stuff on the ground. I have been drinking a lemon, ginger, turmeric honey and coconut oil tea every morning and after about 3 weeks I can tell a difference in the inflammation in my knees. Just sayin'! Dinner sounds wonderful, and you didn't call me!

  2. We've purchased the "beginner's guide" to herbs because of your recommendation!

    When you mentioned your writing, it made me wonder how your November month of writing panned out for you?

  3. My 93 year grandmother who has arthritis in her hands swears by tumeric powder for pain and inflamation. She takes 1 tsp a day and it keeps her pain free all day. She still crochets hat and sweaters for needy children every day. Best place to buy tumeric powder in bulk is at an indian grocery store. My sister who suffers from constant muscle pain started using tumeric and has been able to get off prescription meds. I too am learning all I can about herbal meds. Will look for the books you listed.

  4. Kim, thanks for that info. My Mom suffers from pain and for me it's my hands when I'm crocheting etc.

  5. Mama Pea, I do love the beginner's book - lots of good recipes. November ended faster than I could finish my novel sadly. It will another chance next year though. I couldn't keep up with the outdoor work, because when Hubby's available I have to be too. I can still finish it too.

  6. Lisa, thank you too, for that information. I did buy bulk, but have waiting to figure out how to take it. I may purchase capsules and make them myself to try.

  7. That is an interesting stack of books! I am hoping to get some down time this winter to do some much needed reading. I can't wait to read your posts on the medicinal herb books. Something that I have just started reading up on. Hope you can find time to crochet!

  8. You don't need the capsules. Just a teaspoon mixed with honey works great.

  9. I wish we had an english library here!

  10. Liz, I am already writing down new herbs to grow next year.

  11. Emma, ours is small and could close if funding was not available. I borrow many times over, but am looking to stock the homestead library too.

  12. So industrious. I don't know where I'd have the time to read all these, but I sure do benefit from what you find in them that you share with us.
    The ornament is adorable, and just the right size for a tiny elf maybe? ;o)
    Prayers for a blessed and safe weekend for everyone.
    God bless.

  13. RB, I have almost zero reading time during garden season, so I am madly looking through them to see what we need, or could use. It's been fun.


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