Thursday, December 17, 2015

Herbal Bath Tea ~ Peppermint

I have only posted one herbal bath tea, and it was difficult to find again.  Blogger is having a few issues I guess.

Herbal Bath Tea ~ Cold and Flu

I purchased chemical and tag free "press n' brew" bags for tea making, but will mostly use them for traveling, and for bath teas.  We used muslin before, but ended up with tea leaves in the bath water each time.  By the way,
Mountain Rose Herbs sells these in two sizes, so you can mix up a larger mix in one for a bath bag (or two).  Or use the larger for an entire pot of tea. 

I found out that peppermint alone, is great for soothing itchy body rashes, so it can be added to your bath, so I made a few.  I seem to break out after cleaning the barn, so I thought I'd give it a try.

Homemade tea bags and bath bags are nice for gifting too.


  1. I hope anyone who is gifted your homemade tea bags and bath bags appreciates all the work that went into them. Talk about gifts made (grown) from scratch!

  2. Will have to try the peppermint tea for my husband, he has a real problem with itchy skin in the winter.

  3. Mama Pea, I hope to grow new medicinal tea herbs this coming spring too.

  4. Michelle, I used about two regular sized tea bags, and it was not enough. I'd use 5-6 or the larger one to put more herbs in.


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