Saturday, October 3, 2015

Wicked Weather

I spent the day doing some more stocking up, and got homemade condensed mushroom soup in the freezer.  I need several more made, so each trip to town, I pick up shallots and mushrooms.  I managed to get three article drafts done too, which was a huge relief to get back into my writing.

Hot chocolate is finally restocked for this cold spell were are currently in.  The weather is very fall-like, with a mix of storm-i-ness.  The wind is wicked due to the coastal storms.  I hope everyone is hunkered down and safe.

If the wind doesn't die down, we'll be changing our work day around today.  The big barn project is put off until after the the 7th.  We are just that stressed.  I keep telling Hubby to not borrow worry, and that God is on our side, and to keep praying.  If the voting board denies the permit, I am having a blog giveaway to celebrate.

Our 18 year-old was able to get ride home with her roommate, so we drove to meet and pick her up not far from home.  We surprised her with a new car last night.  It's a step up from what she was driving before, and will be much safer for driving back and forth to college.

I never got our elixir made yesterday, so today it's first on my list while Hubby decides what we are tackling - splitting wood etc.  We need to put air conditioners in storage too.  Not to mention empty the rain barrels and flip them over for winter.  I guess we'll see as the weather is in question here too.




  1. That's great advice. Let the stress go it will wear you down and make you sick. Those rain barrels are not going to freeze yet and it will warm up again before the winter sets in. And along with that you won't be adding water to already soggy ground.

  2. Kim, so funny. I just told Hubby that last year we had a cold spell in October, but it warmed up, so we have more time this month.

  3. Wow! You get that weather all the way to where you are? We have nothing here but it did go more north guess. I had to water outside and we have moderate fire danger. We could use some rain but none in the forecast so far. Good idea about the hot cocoa to mix up and Ineed to try that mushroom soup. I love cozy weather! Enjoy!

  4. Sam I am, we got lots of wind and a bit of light rain. It's been very cloudy and gloomy here.

  5. That soup looks delicious! I need to make some more of your homemade hot chocolate - it's so quick and handy.
    What a nice surprise for your daughter!!

  6. Your daughter must've been so surprised and blessed at the new car. Kudos to you for helping her out too.
    The rain is spotty now here in south central NC (we're about 25 miles south of Raleigh). Most of the rain went straight through the middle of SC to the east side of the NC mountains (Appalachians). They're dealing with flooding and landslides in some places. Keeping them all in my special prayers.
    It's very windy today, a concern cause high winds may take down some trees now that the ground is so saturated. Stepped out onto the porch to toss a few crumbs out for the birds, and it's a good thing I held onto the door (to keep the cats from escaping), cause the wind nearly took me right off of the porch.
    This too shall pass.
    Prayers for a safe blessed week for everyone.
    God bless.

  7. RB, so glad you were holding onto the door. Stay safe.


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