Monday, October 5, 2015

Weekend Updates

It rained all day Saturday, but we split wood inside the barn.  I also tackled cleaning the last window blind, and Hubby helped.  We managed to get one air conditioner in storage, and a few windows washed on the inside as well.  It was cold, but I was not going to fire up the wood stove.  No way.  I need the chimney swept first.  We hunkered down with flannel pants/pajamas, and lots of blankets instead.

I've been stocking up more herbs, and getting more medicinal herbs put into jars as well.   I started a jar of plantain/comfrey oil that I'll eventually use to make a salve, and I got a batch of elixir made.

I'm happy to see one store now selling this non-gmo/organic olive oil.

Our 16 year-old has been sniffling and sneezing, and eventually vomiting.  She's the first to get the elixir.

Sunday, up until noon, it was so peaceful at the homestead.  

It was a morning of clearing up the rotten barn wood, and checking the greens in the garden.  I really enjoyed our time outdoors, despite the work.  We of course had to quit early for football.  Hubby is a big Bengals fan.  

I was thrilled to find enough collards and kale in the garden.  Enough for three meals.  Most of the greens by now, are eaten down by bugs, so this was exciting news.  I forgot to pull the plants in those two areas, and I'm glad I did.  It's warming up again, so I hope to get a few last hot peppers before pulling those.

As for the big barn project, we've started to clean up what we removed so far.  It will take another day of picking up the boards, before we will start again.  

In the meantime, I am writing more often, and getting drafts ready for editing.  I took advantage of our 18 year-old home, and asked her if she'd do a bit of editing (I have two girls that are excellent at this).

I actually got porch time on Sunday.  It was a toss - knit or read.  I took both out, but ended up reading.  Reading is something I don't get much of over the warmer seasons, unless we go camping.

I think I will put the "Say What?" barn wood sign into a box, in hopes that it becomes a blog giveaway soon.   

It's Monday, so I have long "to-do" list.  Laundry is already in the washer.  Two girls are home today (school closed for the funeral), so I have extra hands on hand. The kitchen looks absolutely wonderful this morning.  I have one kiddo who is pulling the older sister card - cleaning and helping so she'll get something.  She wants a Halloween party with friends. Hmm.


  1. Wow, it's hard to find non-GMO, organic olive oil! Leave it to Bragg's. Thanks for the memory-jog - I need to get some plantain and comfrey into the dehydrator before Thursday. I did start a jar of sage honey for winter, as I have been told it is great to make into a hot drink when the sniffly/sneezies hit.

  2. Susan, I typically make elderberry infused honey for winter, but sage sounds wonderful too. How much sage per how much honey?

  3. When did you plant those greens? We plant greens as a fall garden and the bugs are gone and do not bother them at all. I also leave them and they will come back in the spring as soon as it starts to hit the 50's. greens also get better after a frost and will keep producing till a hard killing freeze.

  4. Kim, I planted them both earlier this year. We didn't plant any fall vegetables on account of weather and time. I hope they both go to seed so I can save seeds. That's for that frost tip. I did not know that.

  5. We finally got a day of sun yesterday. The dog and chickens were in heaven after being mostly shut in for days on end (12 days in a row).
    What you're crocheting reminds me a lot of the colors of the first project I crocheted, a rug edged in a mustard colored ruff for our youngest brother's room. It actually started out to be a rectangular afgan, but I forgot to make corners so it ended up being an oval that repeatedly got tossed on the floor, though he was pretty adamant about tossing back on his bed for a blanket each time. I've gotten a little better with patterns since then. LOL
    Put on a long-sleeved shirt one time this week. Other than that, it's been sleeveless house dresses so far - my usual "round the house uniform."
    Halloween parties can be so much fun, as long as there's adult supervision to keep the "treats" from becoming "tricks".
    Everyone take care.
    God bless.

  6. RB, glad you finally got some sun, after those storms came through.

  7. I wish you could've seen the relief on the dog's face when we opened the door and the sun was shining instead of rain. LOL
    He was soooo glad to get outside in the sun.
    God bless.


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