Monday, October 26, 2015

Random Monday

I spent a day reading and completely writing exercises on Sunday, and realize that every book that was recommended is not available at the library.   Although, I started reading two books that I've had on my shelf, I felt I had wasted away the day. 

I was already in a sour mood by Sunday morning.  We should have never cancelled our camping trip.  The rain and wind was nothing like the forecast stated.  And Sunday, the only thing to deal with was the cooler temperature.  Three of us badly wanted a retreat to get away from everything.  One was our college daughter, who was sad we cancelled it in the first place.

Hubby's family took his time for the entire Sunday, and I never saw him until after 7:00pm. Before he was out of bed, one was calling and asked for him to join one member on a 1/2 hour job nearby.  After breakfast, which the younger two cooked (delicious - blueberry pancakes, sausage, bacon, fried potatoes), he was called by another family member, so they drove right past the house at noon, and he was never dropped off until 5pm.  

I was walking from the barn, and literally, not one minute later, another family member pulled in and asked for him to work on another vehicle.  I wasn't in the best of moods.

Today's just a Monday chore day.  I hope to relax with some porch time, and finish another crocheted slouchy hat.  Youngest Daughter insists her friends will buy them.  


  1. Don't consider your day reading and writing a waste. You're so used to seeing "the product" of your day's work, but I can understand what you mean about Sunday's "work" not showing any tangible accomplishment. Think of it as "homework" for your writing abilities.

    As far a demands on your hubby go, there comes a time when we have to set up those old boundaries, be able to say no and take the time for ourselves or immediate family.

    (Geesh, I sound like I know what I'm doing, don't I? No true.)

  2. I don't like days like that... I might as well just go back to bed! Good for you getting some crocheting and reading done. :/

  3. Mama Pea, good advice! Thanks for the encouragement too.

  4. Patricia, it did feel good to get some reading and writing accomplished.

  5. I had a Sunday like that! Only it was the hubbys job that took up all of his time. Sometime disappearing in a book is the only solution!

  6. Sorry you had those feelings but try to let them go. As far as family and friends needing help, I always think of it as banking time. Because there will be a time when we need them and they are only a phone call away. Kinda like payback but in a good way. That and the blessing of being able to help others.

  7. Liz, I definitely have books to disappear with here.

  8. Thanks Kim, it gives me a different way to view it. I tired to be positive.

  9. Sounds kind of like our Dad, who often got into trouble for not being able to tell anyone "No" - except our Mom and us kids. Reminds me of the old story of the shoe cobbler whose children had no shoes.
    God bless.


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