Sunday, October 25, 2015

Dehydrator Dog Treats

I shared this recipe once before, and since I was dehydrating more of our home grown kale, I'm sharing again.

First, you will need to cook the rice, and dehydrate kale and Parmesan cheese (see note) to make them.  Once you have these dried, you will then have them on hand to make the treats.

 First three ingredients mixed.  If you want to add yeast for your dog, you can add it at this point.  

Meat and cheese added.

Set the timer for 1 hour.

Shape and place on mesh trays.

Dehydrated Ground Meat Dog Treat
1/2 cup rice, cooked
1/2 cup chicken broth
2 Tablespoons dried kale, crushed
1 pound ground beef
1/2 cup dried Parmesan cheese

Note:  I buy all organic ingredients/non-gmo when I make this.  I've dried Parmesan cheese for this before, and I've made them with non-dried Parmesan as well. It works either way.   

Directions:  Mix rice, broth, and kale together, then add meat and cheese.  Mix thoroughly.  Let sit 1 hour.  Shape into treat size pieces, place on dehydrator trays and dry at 155° until the treats are hard.

 These dog treats will turn a dark brown when they are completely dried.


  1. I love that you make your dog treats. Can you give me an idea how many you made from a pound of meat? Thanks for sharing your recipe.

  2. Kim, I counted 62 dog treats. It depends on how small or big you shape them too. Jesse loves them.

  3. I can just imagine how yummy those would taste to a dog. Heck, there's nothing in there that wouldn't taste good to a human! Lucky dog(s) in your household.

  4. Thanks, I may have to find some ground lamb and try them. Miz Maggie is allergic to beef as a protein so we only feed lamb.

  5. Mama Pea, yesterday we were laughing so hard at Jesse. He was trying to do all his tricks quickly, to get just one. So funny. I was telling him to play dead, and he did everything but that, ha ha! Finally, at the end, he did.

  6. With the great number of problems and recalls in even well-known, expensive dog food and treats over the past decade, it's great to get this recipe.
    Is the dehydrator heat enough to make the raw meat safe?
    God bless.

  7. RB, the temperature in the recipe is the "meat" setting on my dehydrator. I'm not sure if all dehydrators have the same temp for drying meat, but it's like making jerky.

  8. Ok, but is that temperature high enough to kill the bacteria and pathogens in the raw meat in the dog treats?
    In jerky, all the salt would accomplish that.
    God bless.

  9. RB, I am pretty sure I got the recipe from a dehydrator cookbook years ago.


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