Monday, September 14, 2015

Random Tidbits ~ German Potato Salad

My ladies have been slacking in the egg production department lately.  Considering the amount of feathers out in the run, I'm guessing they are molting.

The weather is now cooling down at night, but the forecast for the end of the week is in the upper 80's again.  

 I'm so glad I got my garlic planted this past weekend.  One more thing off my list.

Wood splitting has resumed.  Thank goodness.  

I was getting worried.  Although the dead trees are still standing (patience is a difficult thing). We need about six more good Saturdays to finish it up.

It wasn't fun, but it had to be done - all the rotten potatoes from over 100 plants are dug up.  What you see in the buckets came from about 9 or 10 plants.  I'm still dreaming of my future root cellar on a good garden year (....patience). 

 I think it's time to bake up a pan of German Potato Salad with Honey. 

Just after I locked up my chickens one night, this hawk came in with a  low swoop over the chicken run, then perched in front of the house.  It also flew into the big barn.  We've seen vultures fly in that barn too.....barn has to go, and soon (patience).

I finally joined a blog hop at Clearwater Farm Journal. 

I made some delicious homemade pumpkin muffins using my home canned applesauce (no oil).  Yum. Perfect for this time of year.

I dead-headed the other day, and kept more zinnia seeds.  I ended up cutting some that were not dead yet, and as you see the birds are helping themselves.  I cut some of my largest ones before the seeds were all gone.  The biggest blooms are about 4 inches wide.  


  1. 'Tis the time of year when no matter how fast we move, there's never enough time to get done what we want to get done!

    We've had our usual fall migration of hawks overhead start and the chickens have had to run for cover more than once. So far, hawks haven't scored a chicken dinner.

    I was thinking of making potato salad, too. We haven't dug our potatoes yet because they're better off in the ground until our root cellar drops more in temp. But no reason I can't go out and "steal" some for eating right now!

  2. Mama Pea, you are right. I always feel we are a bit behind, but somehow get caught up. Sunday, Hubby was to replace my back brakes in my car, but ended up getting called into work the entire day.

  3. You've motivated me so much I haven't been on my pc as I have to catch up with you! German potato salad....yum! It's cooled off here too but heating up again also not in the 90's though, thank goodness!

  4. I have a list of things that still need to get done before winter. I swear it's growing on it's own.

  5. Sam I am, I think the forecast said 84°F this Friday, but it could change.

  6. Michelle, I feel like once we get something crossed off, two more jump on the list, ha ha!

  7. Wood splitting? I'd be happy to help: I've definitely swung the axe a few times over the years!

  8. Stephen, wood splitting is on our to-do list year round, but it's getting the time and right weather to do it that's tough.

  9. We have many hawks and such here too. So we put fencing over the top of the chicken run as well as around the sides to keep the chickens safe. The top is also covered with tarp, so the girls can be out scratching in the rain if they want to. To keep rain from pooling on top of the tarp, we put a 1' frame on top of the chicken house to make a peak in the center of the tarp so the rain runs right off at the sides.
    The German Potato Salad and muffins look good. It's getting close to good old comfort Dutch Oven cooking again. How I miss it during hot summer months! But it makes no sense to run the air conditioning AND the oven at the same time. LOL
    God bless.

  10. RB, thanks for the tips on the coop. So far, Rooster has been telling the ladies when to run for cover. They have trees to hide under and when they are in their run, they can run right back into the coop.


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