Monday, September 21, 2015

One Big Job

I took this photo back in March of this year, in hopes to locate a barn salvage person or company.  

This challenge is one of our big jobs on the "to-do" list right now.

Well, the first two did not want the barn - not old enough, not "enough wood" to mess with.  Not long ago few men stopped in after the corner collapsed in a rain storm.  We talked, Hubby got in touch with them.

Guess what?

Those last folks we even had a signed liability form from, failed to show three times, and not one call after that.  

Since then I've had two more people stop and ask about it, but again not professionals. Just someone wanting the wood. And for free of course.

Remember the barn siding that we stacked and put up for sale?  I had one person inquire, and he texted me 7 times in one day - no sale.  It was just a hassle.  That pile of wood will used to repair anything on the to other two barns.

Quite honestly, I was ready to call the fire department and see if they could burn it down.  Hubby said no, keep trying. 

So, I found three more, and inquired.  One responded immediately, and said that there was not enough salvageable material to pay us (it would cost us to remove the barn).  Same ol' story.   However, they want to buy some of it if we tear it down ourselves.  Again hassle.  We'd have to know what to save and what not to.  So, we asked for a quote from them.  They sent me an email - $2500.00 to remove it (and of course they make money off of the wood).

It's the same story every time.  People want our wood, but want it for free.  Strangers no less.  The barn was causing a lot of attention, bringing strangers onto my property when we were home, and not home (one person drove through and left a note at the door). 


We started the demolition ourselves this past weekend.  Just Hubby and myself for now.  We have get some extra help later, but for now we are working on it one day at a time, just getting the siding off first.

The good news?

Bad wood is getting burned, and the beams are getting cut up for firewood.  For us.  The good wood will be used to repair anything necessary in the other barns.  We'll recycle a door that needs put onto the "wood barn" as well. more strays.

And!!!  Hubby and I are talking about building a brand new coop behind the house, along a tree line, with a large run.  Then I can see them all day (unlike where they are currently), and we can repair the loft in the goat barn (where the chickens currently reside inside at night).  Then Hubby can fix up that end of the barn.  Then I can get my wethers in the spring too.

I am also considering making signs with the better looking red barn siding.  I might even take some to a craft barn south of here and see if they have space to rent. 

This of course is all up in the air, but ideas are flowing now.
I already brought in one board, for a sign to be made for me.  I'll be sharing it when I have it painted.

If you read through all of that, I have to share a funny story about this barn.  When we walked out with the ladder, Hubby walked around the barn.  He said to me, "You know, this half is in pretty good shape. We could knock off the other half and keep this half."  I just shook my head and said, get up that ladder and start knocking out those boards.  I myself was on the lower half knocking them out.  Some things just don't last forever.


  1. What. A. Job!! As you go about this huge task, keep thinking that someday you will look back on it and say, "Remember what a big hassle we went through getting the big barn taken down?" For now, BE CAREFUL!

  2. Mama Pea, right now the biggest worry is finding a place to put the ladder where there is not any rotted wood. We can both rest, when it's all down.

  3. Do be careful my dear. The siding might just be what is holding it together!

  4. Massive undertaking.
    ...and what Mama Pea said ^^^ BE CAREFUL!

  5. What a job is right! Yes, be careful. Glad you can utilize it yourself.

  6. It must have been such a pretty barn in it's heyday!

  7. Sam I am, it is a big job for us to take on.

  8. Emma, the original owner took very good care of the barns. The last few owners ruined them pretty much.

  9. That's usually the fate of old fence-posts at our place: after they rot off at ground level (this usually takes about 40 years), we strip the wire from them and bench them off in blocks for firewood. It's amazing how much oil they sometimes still hold - you can tell from the wonderful smell of the smoke.

  10. So they want you to do all the work, then give them the wood from all that work for free. Figures. So much of the last couple of generations or so think like that, one can't help but wonder what lame brains raised 'em to think that way and how they're going to survive if/when the real tough times come.
    God bless.

  11. RB, this generation is a head shaker for sure. I'm pressing on my kids to be good kids and make good decisions.

  12. RB, this generation is a head shaker for sure. I'm pressing on my kids to be good kids and make good decisions.

  13. IMO, you're doing your kids a BIG favor by raising them that way too, far less drama and maybe even heartache for them, and for you.
    Why all parents don't realize that, I'll never understand.
    God bless.


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