Sunday, September 20, 2015

Homemade Fire Cider ~ Winter Illness Preventative

I decided to leave a few cayenne, jalapeno and our only hot banana pepper plant in the garden a bit longer.

I wanted the peppers to make more ground cayenne powder and also use the jalapenos for making our very first Fire Cider.

Hubby likes things hot, so I figured he would be the first to take it as a preventative this winter.  If we like the results of this cider, I'll be planting my own horseradish next spring.

I used the recipe that Mountain Rose Herbs posted on their blog recently.  There are so many variations online to try as well.  

This will sit for one month, which is perfect timing for us here.  October seems to be the month that flu and flu type viruses start to spread, and this cider will boost our immune system.


  1. I just picked a huge bucket of jalapenos. I need to start a couple jars of this. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. I was just thinking the other day that I should try making this. My youngest always seems to get sick in october too.

  3. Fire cider. Love the name. No self-respecting germ would dare linger in your house with that around!

  4. Kim, after I made the first jar, the girls said they might try it, so I'm planning on making a second jar if I get any more jalapenos.

  5. Emma, every year I see the kids get sick, so I hope they try it. You can put it in tomato juice, take it by itself, etc.

  6. Mama Pea, I told Hubby I cleared out my sinuses just grating the horseradish. Very strong stuff.

  7. Will be interesting to hear how effective this turns out to be.
    God bless.

  8. RB, I plan on making another jar too. I am just waiting on one last jalapeno from the garden.

  9. Fire cider...sounds hot! LOL! Does it "burn" the bugs out of your system? LOL!


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