Sunday, June 14, 2015

Homestead Tidbits ~ Canning Radish Relish

Friday, Hubby had to get a required physical, to return to work (always some strings attached in that business), so I headed to the garden.  Lots and lots of work out there, so I took a nice big thermos of water, and covered my head with a hat and bandanna.  I went out there prepared to sweat.

It is very reassuring to know I don't have to babysit chickens this summer, while I'm running around working.

The chickens have learned how to use their ramps, and seem to enjoy being able to go in and out as they please.  Most of the time they are back in the coop when I get out there to lock the door.  There have been a few nights when I've had to chase them in through the big barn doors, but overall, so glad we got it done.  I'm treating them to strawberry tops.

Just a minute or two after Hubby pulled in the driveway, the rain poured down on me.  No warning, no sprinkle.  It felt good too.   I ran in, then turned around and saw my clothesline full of towels/rags/washcloths and rugs.

The rain put the kibosh on all my plans in the garden. 

 (chopped radishes)

Saturday, the first thing I did, was run out to the garden (before it rained again, sigh) and pull some radishes.  I chopped them up and prepared our first batch of radish relish. There are many recipes online for this relish.  I used one that includes dill seed, celery seed, and mustard seed.

While that sat for the required three hours (before canning), I rinsed and blanched the radish greens - our first batch in the freezer.  

My garlic has already produced scapes, so those needed to be cut off. This year the goats got them for treats.

Oregano finally made it's way to the drying rack.  And a bit more thyme.  I need lots of thyme (ha!  both kinds - time, and thyme).

 The taste testers results on the radish relish?

Hubby grilled burgers and our first test was on those.  Absolutely wonderful!  The kids that were home even liked it.  It will go nicely in egg salad sandwiches, over lettuce salads, etc.  I'll be making this again before my radishes are done for the season.  I canned it in half-pints.

My homemade hand lotion is coming in very handy for these long days.  Also, I have an update.  Mom gifted a jar of my unscented lotion to a neighbor.  Her neighbor, just told her she loves it, and she even used it on her dry feet over winter (which she said worked wonderfully, as she always has a terrible time with dry feet over winter).  I did too, and love it.  I'm sure we'll be making more of it.

Oh...we got more rain last night, so everything is once again soaking wet.  Too wet to get in there and pull anything, weed anything, etc.  Maybe I'll get porch time and finally finish that crochet project.


  1. You are really having a lot of rain this early summer! At least you're not having to water the garden. And the rain is so much better for the green and growing things than "artificial" watering.

    You've tempted me to look up a recipe for radish relish and give it a try. (Should have planted more radishes!) But we both like them so much raw (munchy-crunchy) that we go through a lot of them that way. I can sit with a bowl of radishes crispy cold from the refridge and eat them all. Must be something in them my body needs!

    Hope you have a good Sunday. Maybe rest a little??

  2. Mama Pea, I can't get my kids to eat radishes, but this way they will. I want to plant horseradish next year, along with other varieties. They are so healthy. Rest? Ha! I was just thinking, that if the sun dried up the soil later I would head back out to weed.

  3. That is a brilliant idea for your radishes! I have never tried that but it looks and sounds delicious! Your growing garden is stunning my friend! A great job and a thing of beauty!! Happy day to you! Nicole xo

  4. Nicole, I just happened to google how to freeze my radishes, and came across many recipes for radishes. It really is good. Thank you!


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