Monday, June 15, 2015

. . . from the handiwork journal ~ Random Tidbits

. . . finished the last two cup coasters for one of the kitchen tables.

. . . crocheted this baby blanket for my step-daughter.  Yep, you heard that right.  Hubby's daughter (my step-daughter) is having a baby.  This will be the first grandchild for the both of us.  Sigh.  She is due sometime in July.  We don't hear from her very often.  She came out to the homestead one time last summer.  Communication from her is not the best.

Anyway, I love this diamond pattern, and so easy to make (as long as you are not in a hurry, as I was and ripped out over and over, which is uncommon for me).  The pattern is online for free, and can be found here:  Lacy Crochet

 . . . half-way done with this knitted dishcloth.  Just not enough time after all the garden work, to finish it.

The humidity was so bad yesterday, that our bathroom tile had a layer of moisture so thick you could slip and fall.  I had to put a fan on the floor to dry it out.  

I did get out to the garden.  I was dripping in sweat after just weeding the garlic.  Needless to say, my garden work ended after that.  

Then it poured down rain again, and again, and again.

It's very wet here today.

In between storms, we finally got the AC on.  Last month the electric bill was $83.00.  I am sure it will soar after this.

The potatoes are starting to produce blossoms, as well as my the green beans, and squash plants.

I haven't had a chance to replant my pie pumpkin seeds, so we may go without this year, or buy up at the Farmer's Markets.

Rain is expected again later tonight, so by the time the garden is dried up, it will pour down again.  Rain is expected every day for the at least the next six days.

I'm glad Hubby and I did not pull the camper down to the campground Sunday and Monday.  He wanted one last weekend of fun before returning to work.  However, a pop-up camper is not conducive to expected 60mph winds in expected storms.  Also, his one of his sisters ended up in ICU yesterday, while he was up taking our 15 year-old to Urgent Care.  His one sister had to be sedated and a breathing tube placed in her throat (had choked on something and was not responding). As for our daughter, she got something in her eye which created an infection.  What a crazy weekend.


  1. We've had such a beautiful last week of weather . . . getting up to 70-something out in the sun, and not too hot. A little bit of humidity but nothing like you've had. I don't know how your garden is prospering at all with the mountains of rain you've had.

    The white baby blanket is simply lovely. Perhaps your hubby's daughter will be more eager to communicate after she has her baby? It would be sad for the expected grandchild to miss knowing her grandpa. But sometimes family relations just don't work out the way we would like them to . . . and that can be for the best also.

    Hoping you get in some porch time this week. That down time while doing handwork can be so important. (Says she who hasn't accomplished more than some mending as far as "handwork" goes in ever so long!)

  2. Mama Pea, the weather is just stinks. I sweat through one shirt just watering the animals (two trips to the barn and one out to Big Boy's shed). I still put laundry out, until the rain comes again. I love that baby blanket pattern, so when I am caught up with Christmas handiwork, I may buy some yarn and stock up a few baby blankets this coming winter.

  3. It's starting to get pretty humid here. I can't take the humidity.
    That bathroom floor sounds a might dangerous! Throw a couple of crochet rugs down there so YOU DON'T end up in the emergency.
    Hope everyone is ok...Sister and daughter.
    We've had lots of rain...still off and on. The weeds are so thick in our beds... but we're getting some veggies. I'm hoping to stick it out and get some before the HOPPERS GET HERE!
    Cute baby blanket.
    I hope she appreciates all your hard work. I'm afraid my step-daughters don't :/ ...and one of them has 5 kids and they don't even know who I am. It's sad-- because they have lots of cousins and family that would lavish affection on them.
    the coasters are sunny and cute too!

  4. Patricia, I'm putting rugs in there now, ha ha! I was washing them, but it was a bad day to remove them from the bathroom.

  5. Before you put those crochet rugs down, make you have something that will make them no-slip, beneath them. I slipped in my kitchen months back broke toes, sprained foot and bruised ribs.

  6. Thanks for that tip Mary! Sorry to hear about your fall.


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