Friday, May 22, 2015

On the Crochet Hook ~ Memorial Day

It's a bit blurry, but I have a new project on the crochet hook now.  I'll share photos when it's completed. 

The shortest blog post this year I think.......spending the weekend thinking about those who have died in active military. I think folks forget the real meaning of Memorial Day, and I was surprised some of my kids did not know the meaning of it.

My thoughts also go out to veterans, wounded warriors, and active military.  

Thank you to all those brave soldiers who honor and protect and serve.

I haven't seen my son in several months, so I can't imagine those who have lost a family member in active military.


  1. Thank you so much for this important reminder!

  2. The crochet looks so nice...loving the white!
    We used to put flowers on graves on Memorial Day since most of my relatives served in WWII. My mother and father both served in WWII. There are so many more nowadays too and the wounds seem like they never heal.

  3. A good summary of the history of Memorial Day (originally Decoration Day for the decorating of the graves of departed soldiers) is here.
    If the numbers of dead listed there don't choke a person up, I'd wonder if they have a soul.

    What many don't understand about those who serve in the US military is, for the vast number, it is a "calling" - to be a part of something greater than oneself and to be trained to know how to successfully stand in the gap to protect the defenseless.

    Because they answer that "calling" and serve with success, honor and respect is due them at all times, during service and well after their time in service is over, and I'll tell you why, because I wouldn't hesitate to say there isn't a single one among them that wouldn't pick up a firearm and defend the defenseless even today.

    God bless them all, and more, remember too the families that support and stand beside them, often struggling in their absence to keep the home fires burning brightly while they're gone.

    God bless.

    (USMC Sergeant, 1969-72, Semper Fi!!!)

  4. Sam I am, I have about half of the crochet project done.


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