Monday, May 25, 2015

Fun Mail ~ Antique Finds

My wonderful Uncle sent me a tea infuser, and some teas to try. 

I'll be trying some today.  You put the leaves inside, add hot water, steep, and place it over your mug, and the tea flows right into your mug (leaving tea leaves in the infuser filter).  Neat, right?  And no recycling a messy muslin tea bag, or using disposable teabags. 

Hubby and I needed a stress reliever day (or two, don't we all?), so we window shopped at the antique store.  We ended up finding a few nice items.   I found this planter for $1.00. They are connected, and it has leather handles on the sides.

I've been looking for a dinner bell for about the last eight years.  We finally found one!  And it's loud.

 And it has a rooster!

The weather will heat up today, and if the rain does not arrive, I'll be out watering the entire garden, flower beds and potted plants.  Let's hope and pray it arrives. 

We are grilling out if the weather doesn't get too hot, but better to heat up the outside with cooking, than the inside.

Nettle is slowly filling up the canning jars, and my thyme too.  My new comfrey seeds are starting to sprout, as well as the lemongrass and calendula.  My peppermint is taking it's good ol' time.   Today, I'm filling one more flower pot, and planting mullein seeds.  Yes, it's another weed, but we don't have this one growing here.   I do see a ton of burdock growing out there.  The root is best dug up in July, so I have some time.  If you have a recipe or tip for using burdock (other than making beer with dandelion), I'd love to hear it.


  1. We've been getting plenty of rain...feast or famine. I can't get out there to work. I finally figured outside work in the morning as the rains seem to always come in the afternoon and evening. Problem is, it takes me awhile to get going in the morning anymore..I get up early...I'm just slow! LOL!
    Love your infuser and when I had the farm and the kids I wanted one of those bells too but never found one. You got a nice one!
    I hope you get to grill out and Happy Memorial Day to you and your family.

  2. Thank you Sam I Am. I hope your day is wonderful too!

  3. Rain here too, good thing we got lots of digging done yesterday. Wish we could share some with you to spare you the watering! Can I ask what state you live in Kristina? It's much warmer there than here in MN. I also have to comment on the the dinner bell... I had to run out on the deck in the rain to look at mine! They are very, very similar but not the same. It is great to have a nice loud bell; you will love it! I am interested in uses for burdock also as we have a LOT of it in the goat pen and they don't seem to eat very much of it. I too wish you and your family well.

  4. Debby, we are in OH. Our weather can go from a frost one day to 80-some the next. We ended up with a sprinkle yesterday, and today it's looking iffy. I guess we are watering. Thank goodness for 4 rain barrels - about 220 lbs. of rain water. Hopefully someone will have tips on using burdock.

  5. We've been very light in the rain department, too. I was hoping that by watering the garden this morning, I would bring the rain, but it seems to clear for that. Hopefully tomorrow. I love the dinner bell! That might bring them in from 5 miles!

  6. Susan, we need rain badly here. The grass is turning brown already.


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