Sunday, April 5, 2015

Spring Break

Hubby and I typically take the kids to a hotel for a good night of swimming during winter.  We however, we had other things happen to delay that.  

Although not all of the kids went, Hubby made late season arrangements for a spring break outing.  The kids lost two days of their spring break (due to snow days) so they have a limited break this year. 

They get to swim any time the pool is open, and Hubby and I get time to read books, and use the exercise equipment.

Our highlight of this exquisite getaway?  We went to a discount store and went slipper shopping.  Ha ha!  We then went down to the hotel breakfast area (at night), in our slippers, and played cards.  Folks kept coming in to see what we were up to.   In the morning, we all went down to he free breakfast, in our slippers.  We got many looks, but we didn't care.   All in all, we all had fun.

Now I need to get busy and plan an outing for the kiddos that stayed home to care for the animals.  I also need to plan a graduation party for our 18 year-old. 

Happy Easter to everyone!


  1. Glad some of you had a chance to get away if even for only a short little vacation. And you brought home souvenirs that you can use for a long while . . . your slippers!

  2. Sounds like a blast!
    I used to know a family that would do the same thing... they'd book a couple of rooms at the Best Western... take the grill in the bed of the truck with an ice cooler full of food and the kids would swim, swim, swim... all week long!
    I asked her why she did that? She said, Wifi, local library, pool, and summer reading clubs... all accessible from the local Best Western.
    Sometimes they'd go and stay in a hotel near her hubby's he could stay at the hotel during the weeks he worked out of town.
    I guess it's whatever works!
    You can just find fun where ever you are!

  3. Mama Pea, we love the new slippers. I used the hotel stairs (to get more exercise), but tripped walking in slippers, then laughed at myself, and a few wandering folks gave me a weird look. Ha ha!

  4. Patricia, you just gave me a new idea (Hubby's work). Thanks.

  5. Sounds like a different kind of fun, and such a good idea for that late winter break too.
    God bless.

  6. RB, I was shocked at how just swimming in a tiny pool gave the kids so much fun. Of course the slipper shopping and walking around in them, in the hotel, was even more fun, ha ha@


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