Monday, April 6, 2015

A Year of Hemingway ~ Tidbits

I finally finished The Sun Also Rises, and now I'm onto the next one.   I think the most enjoyable part of this one, was reading his descriptions of the bullfighting.  I, as a youngin' got to see a real life bullfight in Madrid.   I have a photo album with photos somewhere around this place.

And boy did Hemingway like his drink.  Every page, or more like almost every paragraph (or sentence) he was partaking in fundador, absinthe, wine, whiskey and soda, or other drink.  In this book it seemed he an his friends, enjoyed partying the fiesta days away in Spain. 

Reading time has been slow going around here.  I do have a few more in line after I finish the next.

I have this to read Letter of Ernest Hemingway.  It contains many letters that Hemingway wrote in his lifetime.

I have an old library copy of A Moveable Feast.

And and I have old library copy of Islands in the Stream.

I put a few plant hooks out, while the ground is still wet, and brought out a porch sign and wind chime.  Today, I plan to put the first coat of paint on the two chairs.  If case you are wondering why I haven't even started the painting process....

...yesterday we took some of the kiddos to Africa.

Looks that way right?

I'll share that tomorrow.  I have lots of pictures to share.


  1. That book of his letters looks interesting. I am extremely nosy that way - I tend towards biographies and autobiographies. Looking forward to your pictorial post!

  2. Susan, I agree, the one with his letters should be very interesting.

  3. Good for you reading Hemmingway and I like the idea of picking an author and reading all their books.
    I think it was fairly well known that he was an alcoholic and a womanizer from what I remember but a lot of the writers from that era were. It was like a rite of passage....the image of tortured creative souls.

  4. Sam I am, you are right about Hemingway and drinking. In this last book, he is drinking in every paragraph, pretty much.


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