Thursday, March 26, 2015

March Weather ~ Random Tidbits

The snow we got on Monday melted, and was replaced with rain two days later.  The temperature went up one day, then back down the next.  It's raining as I type this, and they say we may get snow again today.

Only in our state, the kids say. 

March is finicky at it's best.  Walking dogs in mud is not so fun.

I'm patiently waiting to get into the garden.  It's been too wet to till, and I need a portion tilled for potatoes.  At least 10 lbs. of red norlands.

They are ready.  However, I'm still waiting on a shipment of organic heirloom seed potatoes.  Even after those arrive, I still need to buy about 20 more pounds.  Organic seed potatoes are horribly high priced.

Have you heard on the news about the lawsuit against many popular wine makers due to high levels of arsenic?  In truth, it doesn't surprise me.  If it's cheap, they have to be cutting corners somewhere in the production.  However, Sutter is not really cheap and they were listed.  If you google it, you can locate the entire list of wine producers involved.   Maybe it's time to start making my own pear wine?  Rhubarb wine?  

Last night I went to the computer to double check something, and saw our 18 year-old's homework on the counter.

There is no way I could do this.  She's taking calculus and advanced chemistry.  That's some crazy homework.  No wonder her shoulders hurt yesterday.  Leaning over all this homework lately, then milking Peanut too.

I actually spent some time writing yesterday.  Well, I think I did more researching, but anyway...found some old journal entries that made me laugh out loud.  Like one of the times we moved, and youngest was riding her booster seat down the U-haul ramp.  Oh, the fun memories when they were little.  Or the time when my now 18 year-old pulled the emergency string in the hospital bathroom (when she was seven).

I'll admit, now that I am getting caught up, I have more free time.  It will only last a short time, but I'm enjoying it.  We don't need to haul wood as much, we can't work outside due to the weather, and so forth.  I do have a long list of deep cleaning to do yet - window cleaning, light fixtures, etc.  Either way, I'm enjoying the lack of work, although it has been difficult to slow myself down (after being full speed ahead for so long).


  1. Definitely NOT good news about the level or arsenic in wines. Good grief! Pretty soon there won't be anything we can safely eat or drink.

    I haven't bought potatoes for planting for I-don't-know-how-many years. I just save the little ones we dig up each year for planting the next. So far, that plan is working.

    Don't slow down too much because the really busy season is about to hit us all! Seriously, take some time out (Huh? What's that?) while you can.

  2. Mama Pea, once the kids move out, I'll have enough potatoes to save. It seems they eat us out of house and home, ha ha! The rain has stopped, so I'm sure my little free time is over today.

  3. Watching to see if March leaves NC like a lamb since it came in like a lion. Will be interesting.
    If you plant taters when the soil is too wet, they'll rot before sprouting.

    As for the calculus, many times since graduating from high school have you used Algebra? Me neither.

    God bless.


  4. RB, I don't recall ever using algebra after taking the class.

  5. I was reading about the arsenic in wines, fruits and vegetables. Seems some of it is normal because it's in the soil (who knew), but high levels, of course, would not be.
    You ever had your soil tested for arsenic?
    Me either. But might be something to look into with your state's Dept of Ag.
    God bless.

  6. RB, in the years before us here, there were cattle and sheep. The crops were nearby, but I'm not even sure a garden was grown here until we arrived. I should test our soil too.


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