Friday, March 27, 2015

Island Time Yet?

I've got zero, nada, zippo going on today.   Hubby had to visit work very early today, so I hope the news he brings home is better than before.

If the weather warms up a bit, we might get cracking on wood splitting.  Our supply for this coming winter will need to be doubled of what we put up last year.  And there are plenty of other jobs needing done. 

Last night he worked up a drawing of our root cellar.  He's not abandoned this project yet.  It's too early to dig anyway, and we still need to check on permits etc.  At least he's moving along with it.
I've been pestering Hubby for a trip to the island soon, but so far, we've not been able to make plans.

I'd much rather go there than Amish country this year.  Amish country is not what it used to be.  It's overly commercialized anymore, and the one place we bought our cheese, no longer slices it for you.  What's up with that?  They sell big wheels, but took away the slicing?  Hm.  Then the cheese curds we bought last, were actually made in NY, not locally.

There is one store that sews lunch bags, totes, and purses, but almost everything else is imported.  Even the flea markets are mostly imported, wholesalers, t-shirts, jewelry etc.  You can't find a real flea market unless you go during the week.  

Many of the antique stores are over-priced, and locally made wine prices are going up and up.  The last loaf of "homemade" bread we bought was made with soybean oil.  That did me in, right there.

So, we'll see if Hubby gets me to the island this year.  I'd much rather sit by the water-side, and relax.  I know our marriage getaways are important to a healthy relationship, but we have graduations coming up too.  Hopefully, we can squeeze in one island getaway. 


  1. Well, ya know, even if you don't manage to get in an island getaway this coming season, just having the dream of getting there, and knowing you WILL make it sooner or later, is sometimes enough to sustain us. Or you could think of it as either a couple of island getaways or a root cellar!! Both fun things to think of and plan for, no? (Can you tell I'm an expert at playing mind games with myself to keep plugging along? :o])

  2. I think I am caught up! Those little fur babies are so darn cute!! I wonder what my dog would think? You are right about some Amish communities, to commercialized! The one we visit in southern IL. stays pretty true to their lifestyle. I have seed potatoes ready to go in, just to muddy around here! Hope you get some island time, something about the water is just so relaxing!!

  3. Mama Pea, I would give up island time for a root cellar this year for sure.

  4. Liz, we are expecting two more babies this weekend. If she has three, I'm in a pickle. I only have two more goat coats, and it's still cold here. I could rustle up some fleece to make another if needed.

  5. A day with nothing going on! are you sure?
    Hope you get your island getaway soon!
    I'm squeezing in some blog catch up time - IT problems again!!

  6. Emma, even if we do get an island trip, I'm sure the girls will be blowing up my cell phone with "Mom can I..." It's very hard to get a day without work or responsibilities.

  7. I too have noticed that many of what use to be quaint hand-made craft fairs, stores and such have been taken over by those selling cheap import goods. It's sad. You use to see original and unusual items that were quite inspiring, now it's all the same cheap imitations from booth to booth.
    Oh well, there's always Etsy.

    God bless.


  8. RB, over the years, I see the Farmer's Market lose more handmade items, and gain more imports. Handmade is time consuming and lately, most people don't want to pay the price for it.

  9. I know Kristina, and it's sad because it use to be such a good way to make a little extra money.
    God bless.


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