Monday, December 1, 2014

Warm Weather ~ A Peek at Decor

Hubby and I got more wood split, hauled and stacked.  Our warm weather day was about to turn back to cold, so we worked hard.  We cut more than we typically do in one day, so I was happy.  

I know how some folks feel about working on Sunday, but I had to take advantage of the weather (considering the time of year).  I got all my laundry done, so I only have to fold towels today (as far as laundry goes).

I have to apologize in advance for the next photos.  After wood splitting I was pretty tired, and did not really try to take nice photos.  Some are dark because it was late into the evening.  Here are some pictures from my decorating crew.

This is a cutie we've had for a few years. You press a button to "on" and it snows inside, and plays Christmas music.

The cookie jar.  Everyone needs a Christmas cookie jar.

Youngest made sure it was filled up, ha ha!  I just realized I need to swap out my fall sunflower table decor, for something festive for Christmas.

I have about six or seven of these snowmen. 

They are all different, and came from my Aunt.  We put them all over the house, including the bathroom.

Blue flowers tied to each of the lights on the kitchen chandelier.  

The heart says "Jesus is the reason for the season" on it.

And the tree....half of it anyway.  Youngest is still putting more lights on the bottom, although she's decorated it with ornaments and candy canes.  We can only fit about a 4th of our ornaments on it.

It's a pathetic artificial tree, but it will do for this year.  We've had it for years, and when the lights are off, it's not so pretty.  The girls are insisting we buy a new one.  I told them, that if Mom and Dad have any extra cash after Christmas, we might check out prices on sales for a new one for next year.


  1. I've collected snow men for years! When I decorate...I set them everywhere!
    I don't know if I'll set Christmas things out this year or not... I'm so finicky... ;)
    the firewood is a good thing! We got firewood this week too. Be glad you have a source and the health and ability to cut and split and stack, and carry, and bring in the house...hahaha! all the work that goes along with firewood--
    we bought a cord $150 delivered. But we had to stack it.
    Love your Santa cookie jar! The cookies look Yummie! it 'yummie' or 'yummy'? (spell check uses two "Y" ... I've always spelled it wrong I guess! LOL...
    have a great week.

  2. What a blessing all the firewood is. It surely feels good to look at it all after of it is stacked. The decorations are delightful. I am trying to get in the spirit and put some things up around here.

  3. Patricia, yes I am thankful that I can still split the wood ourselves. Glad you got some wood too.

    Kim, thanks for the compliment on our decorations. Youngest is really in the spirit this year.


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