Monday, December 1, 2014

Happy Homemaker Monday

I'm joining Sandra today, at Diary of a Stay at Home Mom.


The weather outside is. . .
   There is a teensy bit of sun today so far.  The 50's turned to 30's, but I'm still enjoying it.

On the breakfast plate this morning. . .

Cinnamon French toast and spaghetti squash cooked with one scrambled egg, onion cooked in butter, and a pinch of homemade garlic powder.  Oh, and of course coffee.

As I look out my window. . .
  I see a lot of orange.  Deer season started today.  There is no more snow on the ground.  The dog warden's van just pulled in.  The driver is talking on a phone.  I sure hope this does not mean another stray around here.  My dogs are all safely inside. 

Right now I am . . .
  Getting ready to go dump egg shells on the garden.

As I look around the house. . . 
   I see my homesteading journal that needs organized (again).

On today's to-do list. . .
  Bake a spaghetti squash
  make bed
  Barn duties
  dinner prep
  fold laundry
  bring in wood
  library returns/pick ups
  make a call
  scraps to the animals, scraps to compost
  boil eggs
  take trash out
  .....and that's just part of it of course

Currently reading. . .
   Nothing.  I gave up on trying to read this week, but I am writing down all the titles to check out again in February (when we are snowed in most likely).

On the TV this week. . .
  Netflix.  Walking Dead ended last night (and thankfully too, as it was keeping me up too late, ha ha!).

On the menu this week. . .
  Egg salad sandwiches
  Depends on what leftovers need eaten up first.

What I am creating at the moment. . . 
   It's top secret.  If I succeed, you will all see it after Christmas.

New recipe I tried or want to try this week. . .

 We made a mashed potato/rutabaga with green peas.  Not really a "recipe" but a new mixture of vegetables for us.

Favorite photo from the camera. . .
 This is an old photo, but I made several scarfs for the homeless every winter for a few years.  This year will be the first that I have not.  Our busy (but yet so bountiful) summer unfortunately did not produce extra free time.  My hands need a break I think anyway.

From Scripture. . .

Ephesians 4:31-32 (NIV)

31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.


  1. Lots on the to-do list today... I'd like to be boiling eggs. We cut back on the lay pellet, so not getting many.
    The colorful scarf cheerful!
    I would think, the homeless people, loved wearing bright and beautiful scarves, made by hand. So thoughtful. Maybe next year... you can pick it up again. :)

  2. Patricia, hopefully next year I can get more scarves made. I hope you are feeling better too.


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