Saturday, December 27, 2014

Beautiful Day . . .

It sure feels good to get some order restored.  The tree is still up, and the lights are still up outside, but my bedroom (aka Gift wrap central) is cleaned up.  

The girls went shopping with their Christmas gift cards, so I cleaned and dusted and re-organized.  I even found a few items to give to the thrift.  And before they went shopping, they cleaned up the dishes for me.

I finished this pot holder too.  The pattern is online for free:  hexagon pot holder

The sun was shining all day, so laundry went out, and so did the chickens. It was a beautiful day.

I even re-charged my solar light.  This lights up a canning jar when charged by the sun. 

The "craft" table was cleaned off completely, so Hubby and I had a candlelight dinner.

The kids have been hanging out, watching movies, and whatnot.    


  1. The picture of your laundry on the line looks like one taken in early spring! We continue to have mild-ish weather . . . temps staying in the 30s and what little snow we have is melting fast . . . but we haven't seen the sun in ever so long. I think we really need it for a "boost" in energy! Glad you got your nice "just for two" dinner in last night. We worked so hard yesterday rearranging storage stuff (up and down, up and down stairs and ladders!) that I can't remember what we had for dinner. Sure did sleep hard last night though!

  2. I love that potholder. It looks nice and sturdy and also very pretty. Would you share the pattern when you have time?
    I'm cleaning and clearing too..what a great feeling. Glad you and hubby got to have your anniversary dinner.
    It was beautiful here yesterday too but it's amazing how our weather is just like up North this warm southern breezes blowing. Have a great day!

  3. Sam I am, I added the link to the free pattern I used.

  4. Mama Pea, the weather has been unseasonably warm for December here. The sun is shining again today, so I plan to walk dogs or something outside later. It does give me a boost.

  5. I love decorating for Christmas but by the day after I am ready for it to come down.

    It has been pretty warm here in NY. Today it is 45 degrees. So not like December weather, but I am not complaining. Happy New Year!

  6. Merry Christmas friend! I am glad to hear that you all had a wonderful holiday. And it sounds like you had a relaxing few days after as well! A wonderful new year to you and your family! Nicole xoxo

  7. It was beautiful here today too, sometimes drizzling but often with sun shining too.

    Our mother use to make that crochet pattern but larger, and we used them as trivets. I believe I still have one of them in yellow and green that was often on our holiday dinner tables holding hot bowls of food.

    I too got all the wrapping paraphernalia put away, or thought I did. As soon as I got the storage bag hung up in the closet, I walked through the living room and saw the tubes of curly ribbon that needed to be added, so I'll wrestle with that tomorrow. LOL

    God bless.



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