Friday, December 26, 2014

After-Christmas Clean Up ~ Tidbits

We did not get a nasty storm as predicted.  In fact, we did not get as much rain as I thought we would, and we got zero snow.  Today might be the last warmer weather day for a while, but no snow.

In fact, the sun is already shining here today.

I'm worn out with running here and there for gatherings.  We all sat around the front room last night and watched a movie, sipped hot cranberry punch, and nibbled on leftover food and cookies.
Hubby and I celebrate our 16th wedding anniversary (2nd marriage for both of us - his, mine and ours) today.  He has to return to to work today, but we might plant a special dinner tonight.
The kids have plenty of ham, and other leftovers for a their own dinner, so that helps.  Today's an after-Christmas clean up day. Laundry is already spinning in the washer, and there are many dishes to be washed.

Remember when I posted about finding a pattern online, while searching for some other something I can't remember?  Well, that was the camper Christmas tree ornament.  I just fell in love with what I saw.  

I wasn't searching for it, but it found me.  I was pretty giddy on finding this, and yes the kids still think I'm nuts. But...

The pattern I came across is actually for a keychain.  Two of my most favorite things - camping and keychains.  I decided to make it into a Christmas ornament and it turned out so cute.

You can find the pattern at a blog called Crochet Time.  I plan to make a few more of these cuties.  I used leftover cotton yarn and I think I used an "F" hook.  I had to use a smaller needle to sew the buttons on, but it all turned out cute.  It has a backside too.  

The pattern requires two pieces and the door.  Just read through the pattern first.  I was so excited I did not, and did not leave "tails" to sew it together, but it all worked out anyway.

Note: My daughter's blog (teen farmgirl blogspot) was hacked.  Just un-follow it.  She doesn't blog anymore, so she'll delete it later most likely.


  1. Our after-Christmas day is sleep in and do nothing :)

  2. Nancy, I would love to do nothing today, but I figure if Hubby had to work, I might as well get some work done here too. Tomorrow I can rest and enjoy hopefully.

  3. Happy Anniversary! We are having a lazy after Christmas day. Feels good!!

  4. Happy Anniversary! I finally made sugar cookie dough today and am feeling better. I'm into organizing my craft projects so i can see where I am after all the Christmas "making". I like getting back into my routine. I only like to sit after I've gotten some things accomplished. But at least there's no rushing.

  5. I see the posts showing up where they hacked it but I do not have her link in my blog list anymore and I do not know how to unfollow her?

  6. My daughter said she deleted her blog (hasn't been using it she said).


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