Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Thyme Crackers ~ Tidbits ~ A Kitten

Yesterday I woke up to this....

A sign fall is here to stay and winter is on the way.  Wood splitting must get into full swing here on the homestead.

I tried another new recipe.  It's in the current issue (Oct/Nov) Country Woman magazine - Thyme-Sea Salt Crackers.   I've been looking for a different cracker recipe, other than our homemade wheat thins, for snacks (including hummus).  I will leave the salt off next time - too salty for me. 

Speaking of hummus, I made a batch to go with those yummy crackers.  Youngest likes to pack it in her lunch. 

I took advantage of the wind, although it was sprinkling, and put laundry on the line.  Thankfully, it all dried, and I got it all down before it poured here.

I cut lemon balm to dry for tea making.

I cut more rose tops and am now saving these fragrant petals for tea making as well.  Although I am not going to make "rose" tea, I will mix them into a concoction for a high calcium tea.  I don't have all the ingredients yet, but have started to dry more spearmint for it too.  Next spring, when I expand the herb garden, I'll be trying the tea. 

 Now.  About the kitten.  Although the "Inn" is full and there are no vacant rooms here, this little guy moved in.  Daughter was caring for him for the owner, who had no time for feeding him, and he was to go back when he was nice and strong.

Unfortunately, this little guy passed away yesterday.  He was just not well nourished, and his Mom stopped caring for him.  He was so tiny for being 3 1/2 weeks old.   The worst part is, that I was watching him when he passed.  He was just up and meowing, I had fed him, wiped his eyes and had him right next to me in a box.  Poor little guy didn't have the strength to make it.  It was a sad day at the homestead.


  1. The same thing happened to me years ago on the farm. So many little animals and birds we tries to save but alas you can't save them all.
    I love the look and sound of the crackers. I keep looking for a hummus recipe I will like but so far I haven't found one.
    We used to always split in the Winter when the wood was splits easier then.

  2. Ah, what a shame. It's difficult to see such small things not make it. I'm glad he was in your caring hands at the end. Those crackers look good! Being GF, I am limited, but have found one recipe that I make over and over. Seeing your hummus reminds me that I need to make some!

  3. Ah, what a shame. It's difficult to see such small things not make it. I'm glad he was in your caring hands at the end. Those crackers look good! Being GF, I am limited, but have found one recipe that I make over and over. Seeing your hummus reminds me that I need to make some!

  4. Kristina, 1st off I love reading your blog. You make me feel guilty for not doing more. You seem to accomplish so much. I'm working on it.
    However I do not like the way your blog posts have to be clicked open to finish the teaser you start with. I don't always read blogs each day and you make me have to make a cuppa and a snack just to catch up your posts. All the extra clicking back and forth.
    Hmm wait a minute... maybe sitting down for extra time reading isn't so bad after all.
    Still love your blog either way.

  5. Sorry you lost the kitty. Most animals don't make it when taken from their moms at too young an age. Years ago a friend brought us two kittens he had found in a box by the side of the road. We don't think they were more than a week old. We couldn't keep them alive for even a week. I always felt bad about that but they were just too, too young to not have their mother's milk and care.

  6. I'm sorry to hear about the passing of the kitten, but at least he was loved during his time here.


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