Thursday, October 16, 2014

Chicken Millet Burritos ~ Tidbits ~ Candy Corn

Woke up to fog.  And cold.  I left windows open all night due to the warm weather.  We woke up to a pretty cold house.  Brr.  The kids have a 2 hour delay today, so I actually slept in for once.  

I'm glad Daughter does not have to drive to her college class this morning.  

Yesterday was another day in the kitchen.  I whipped up another batch of elixir and made another batch of homemade chewy granola bars.  I contemplated a cake for dinner, but that will be today's agenda.  Dinner was chicken-millet burritos.  They were gone before I could get a photo of them.  Delicious.  I used our home canned zucchini salsa for this recipe.

Chicken-Millet Burritos
1/2 cup millet
1 3/4 cup water (to cook the millet)

1 cup baby spinach, chopped
1/2 cup canned salsa
1 1/2 cups black beans previously cooked* 
          (or a can of refried beans)
2 cups shredded cooked organic chicken, shredded or diced
3/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  6 tortillas, whole wheat (burrito size)

In a saucepan, bring the water to a boil.  Add millet and simmer, covered for about 20 minutes.  Stir a few times.  Remove from heat and add spinach.  Cover and let stand about 5 minutes.

Heat oven to 350°F.  Stir 1/2 cup salsa into millet/spinach.  Spread black beans onto the middle of the tortillas.  Top each with 1/3 cup shredded chicken, 1/3 cup millet/spinach mixture, and 2 Tbsp. shredded cheese.

Fold the burritos so all of the filling is covered.  Place on baking sheet lightly sprayed with non-stick spray (or use parchment paper, or pampered chef bar pan).  Bake at 350°F for 15 minutes or until heated completely through.  I cover mine with foil and use the pampered chef bar pan.

You can serve these with extra salsa, cheese etc.  We like them just as they are.

Note:  I cook dry black beans in my crock pot, with chopped onion and garlic.  I can use it for just about any recipe, and even freeze extra for more recipes.  While the beans are cooking in water, I dice up and cook the onion and garlic in a skillet with a bit of oil.  Once the onions start to brown I add it back to the beans.  I add salt about 3/4 of the way through cooking time.

This must be the year of getting things crocheted, because I pulled another pattern I've been wanting to try (for the last two years).  Most evenings are spent with handiwork now. 

My intention was to make these cute Candy Corn crocheted earrings(link to the pattern) for a Christmas gift (stocking stuffer), but it's seems wrong for the gift recipient to not get the chance to wear them in October or fall season.

I did not have the exact color of yarn suggested, but used what I had. I have to say they turned out pretty nice.  I'm making my 15 year-old another one for a necklace.  She suggested making up some for fall decor, and placing them in small canning jars or dishes.

My 15 year-old daughter absolutely loves candy corn.  The only time she gets to eat it, is at her friend's parties, as I don't buy it.    Now she can wear it.

Hubby picked up my library books.  I have a nice large stack to go through now.  

Update:  Hubby's sister that is on dialysis is home and in a hospital bed.  She needs constant care, considering she has no strength to walk.  This means family is staying overnight to help her husband lift her in and out of the wheelchair (to the car for dialysis).  And that includes Hubby.   His other sister is still in the hospital with pneumonia.

Mattie, who had surgery for a cancerous tumor, now needs to go back to the vet.  It's growing back.  I had to write and tell Daughter, and let her know.  Next February, she'll be 16 years old.

I've got jars all over the kitchen table that need labeled today.  Hopefully I can find space in a cupboard for them all.  It's time to clear it off.  I'm down to canning applesauce and jelly this time of year.  I do have another pie pumpkin to roast, but that will have to wait a day or two.  

The reason I have the "read more" on my blog.....
There is a feed site that pretty much copies your entire post, on their own site, not related to Google/blogger.  I apologize if it's a nuisance.


  1. Your Mattie looks so much like my Cookie. Sorry to hear that her tumor is back. It's hard to lose them at any age. I love those earrings! I think that is the safest way to approach candy corn - which I love but do not eat. I see a theme in your book reading... :)

  2. Susan, I'm trying to find a good tea mix for a high calcium tea, along with one for iron (for my Mom). They seem to require so many ingredients I don't grow, so I may expand my herb garden next spring. Mattie is spunky and eating, so I hope so can take the surgery. I will be finding out at the vet soon enough.

  3. Absolutely love your crocheted candy corn! It would be so cute to put a couple of them on raffia or hemp twine and tie around the top of a gift jar of canned goods this time of year.

    Mattie looks so bright-eyed and bushy tailed. I'm hoping this surgery will take care of her ailments.

    I really admire your knowledge and desire to learn even more about naturally using herbs. Ever thought of putting together a little book detailing all of your remedies, elixirs, and teas?

  4. It's been so cold here the past few days, this morning especially was really cold.

    Poor Mattie, praying for her.

  5. Sandra, Mattie's growth is in her face on the opposite side you can't see in the photo. They can only take out so much before getting too close to nerves etc. She is very spunky for her age.

  6. Mama Pea, that is a great idea for the candy corn. I'm just now getting ideas for teas, but once I get more planted in my herb garden, writing such a book is a wonderful idea.

  7. Which "feed site that pretty much copies your entire post, on their own site," is that? Ugh, I may have to change to that too....

  8. I love the candy corn earrings! Those are just the cutest. I'm going to see if I can make some for my daughter if I can find a pattern.
    So sorry about your's not easy getting old.
    The library books look interesting.

  9. The pattern for the candy corn earrings is linked under the first photo of one.

    Thanks for the ideas.

  10. Nancy, the site is called feedbotspot and they don't ask you for your permission either.


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