Thursday, September 4, 2014

Taco Soup ~ Praying Mantis

I'm up before the sun is again.  The weather is to be in the upper 80's, but it said to feel like 90's.  I need to water flowers before I start canning today.

I spent part of the day yesterday on the phone, making appointments. 
One daughter now needs to have her vision checked, a dog needs to be seen at the vet, and I had to make a call to the choir teacher at the school.  Choir concert dresses are $58.50.  I'm opting to rent one for $10.00.  And this is what irks me.  They sent home a note for the $58.50, but not the renting option.  If you can't afford the dress, you had to call in and speak to the teacher.  Then once you call, you get the option of renting.  Anyway, the dog is Jesse.  He's got a large mass under his leg that needs looked at.  

The same daughter who needs the choir dress needed $2.00 for Spanish club.  Here is where the school starts to annoy me - costs for just about anything and everything, and umpteen emails from them in my inbox (the record so far is five in one day, and most are over-loading attachments). 

I love it when my self-sufficiency skills some in action.  Yesterday I made taco soup for dinner, but adapted it to what I had on hand (and healthier).

I had 4 leftover ears of corn, so I shaved the corn from one ear in place of the can of corn suggested.  I did not want to open a quart of tomato sauce, so I used leftover homemade taco sauce that needed used up anyway.

I do not can tomatoes with green chilies so I opened a jar of mild banana peppers I canned with a jalapeno.  These have the texture and taste of green chilies.  I also used my homemade taco mix.  You know when you have the crushed pieces at the bottom of the tortilla chip bag?  We'll they top this soup nicely.

By the way, if you don't know what to do with leftover cooked corn on the cob, make creamed corn with it.  My kids don't like to reheat corn on the cob in the microwave, nor do I, so I shaved 4 leftover cooked ears of corn last night, and made creamed corn on the stove top.  Delicious, and an excellent way to not let it go to waste.  I caught Hubby eating straight out of the pan, ha ha!

We've seen a few praying mantis around the garden.  The last time we went camping (Hubby and I) a praying mantis dropped on me, while putting up the camper door.  Yesterday, Hubby saw one and youngest saw one.

Just a strange sighting for us here.   Could they be a sign of good things to come?  Good fortune? 

Seed saving has started. Although one person told me it's not worth it, I do as much as I can.  I had one of the girls remove this dill seed.   I've let some green and wax beans sit on the plants too.  I typically don't save dill, it usually re-seeds itself, but wanted to have some on hand (just in case).

I'm about half way through this book already.  Porch time was not comfortable due to humidity, but I still took advantage of it.  This was one of my Aunt's favorite authors, so finishing it will be difficult.  I purchased it at a Goodwill, with the intention of mailing it to her after I finished it.  

I finished the crocheted eyeglass case.  I found the pattern in a book that my Aunt mailed me years ago.  I have made a few other ones before and really like them.  I'll update this later, with the title of the book the pattern is in.

Uh oh, sun is up already.  I better get to work.   I've got more sit-down work to do today.  I'm on the hunt for more freelance work and applying for part time jobs (yep, on top of this garden, preserving, wood cutting work already). 


  1. I love improvising in the kitchen....taco soup sounds good :)
    The sun is coming up later & later, which means I milk in the dark in the mornings now. Which means winter is coming up. Which means we need to get more firewood split.
    Good luck on your job searches!

  2. Well, darn. So wish you didn't have to seek out a part time job (or something else!) to bring in a little extra income. You are so valuable at home and save money substantially by all you do on the homemaking scene. But we all can feel the pinch when it's very evident money does not go as far as it did a mere year ago. I can't imagine all those "extra" costs that are involved with kids in school today. Ummm . . . am I wrong or aren't public schools supposed to be funded with our tax dollars? I know schools' budgets are getting tighter and tighter, too, but when we pay so much in taxes, it just doesn't seem right that we have to pay more for our children's education costs. Okay, rant over.

  3. Thanks Carolyn!

    Mama Pea, we do pay our school taxes here, and the cost of our school system here is not low. Each week the kids need something it seems. They also pack their lunches, and do not buy. For the amount I paid in school fees alone, I could have emptied my septic and had my wood stove cleaned by now.

  4. Who on earth told you seed saving wasn't worthwhile? Goodness. The best place for seeds to be in the hands of gardeners, and if we all saved seeds from our gardens, we'd never have to worry about seed diversity or seed sustainability again. We also wouldn't be slaves to seed companies and breeders...oh dear. I appear to be on my soap box again. :) Keep saving those seeds! It's vital.

  5. Ok. I am all caught up with your entries. You sure are one busy lady. I can't imagine you getting a part time job, when you have a full time job at home. But sometimes you have to do whats good for the family. Happy canning!

  6. It just seems that schools and colleges nowadays, just want money, money and more money, and then they make you feel so bad when you can't afford it. Why couldn't they just tell you from the beginning you could rent it? Ridiculous.

    Your soup sounds yummy. I love improvising and have found that they are usually the tastiest meals :)

  7. You are amazing! When do you find the time!!!!! And I love that you used what you had on hand to make that yumminess up there! I need to come over so you can teach me some things! I hear you about school costs by the way...we have 2 in school right now and I watch my brothers girls to make some extra money to help pay for everything as it all adds up. Wishing you a wonderful weekend! Nicole xo

  8. You are a creative cook! I am getting better at it but it doesn't come naturally to me.
    They wonder why children join gangs and it's because gangs are free. School activities such as band and sports are not and poor parents can't afford them. If they want to keep youth engaged and headed in the right direction they need to make these activities free. It would benefit all of us in the long run so next time the school needs YES! These children are all our future.
    Good for you with the seed saving...I think it's important and so do many others! You are not alone!
    I hope all goes well with the dog.
    I have never read James Patterson but many people like him.

  9. You are a creative cook! I am getting better at it but it doesn't come naturally to me.
    They wonder why children join gangs and it's because gangs are free. School activities such as band and sports are not and poor parents can't afford them. If they want to keep youth engaged and headed in the right direction they need to make these activities free. It would benefit all of us in the long run so next time the school needs YES! These children are all our future.
    Good for you with the seed saving...I think it's important and so do many others! You are not alone!
    I hope all goes well with the dog.
    I have never read James Patterson but many people like him.


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