Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Canning Pizza Sauce

Yesterday, I canned homemade pizza sauce for the first time.  I have never had this many tomatoes, so it is a blessing.  We'll be popping open a jar of this to make grilled pizzas this week.  I'll let you know how it tastes and which recipe I adapted.

I'm still dragging my body around from the shock of wood splitting, but pushed myself through the day.  I'll admit, slamming that sledge hammer down on the wedge was a bit stress relieving.  The mud bog noise was back all weekend, including Monday.  The beer cans are back in our front yard again. 

Five minutes for Me.  Honestly, I can't remember giving myself five minutes for myself at all on Monday.  I know was eager to get wood split and stacked, but need to be better at slowing down at the end of the day (or where ever that time may fall).


  1. Grilled Piizza with homemade sauce sounds delicious!!

  2. Do take some time to stop and smell the last of the warm weather flowers . That book on your cozy porch looks enticing .
    Yell for me when that pizza is ready , the sauce looks yummy.

  3. Hubby also want so make cauliflower crust pizza with the sauce. We may be eating pizza twice this week, ha ha!

  4. Homemade pizza sauce and grilled pizza sounds yummy. I remember the days when I split wood...great exercise and stress reliever but you definitely feel it the next day.
    Too bad about your neighbors. Mine are very quiet and I rarely see them. I take time for myself when Ineed to give my legs a break and at night when I fall into bed! LOL!
    P.S. Loving the Homesteader's Journal!

  5. You're amazing - I can't believe how much canning you do - I bet your panty shelves are so beautiful to look at.

  6. Sam I Am, I loved that book. Glad you are enjoying it too.

    Emma, I really don't have a pantry here, due to how the original house was built. I am stuffing the jars in any cupboard I can at this point, ha ha! I do have one cabinet that I used for books, but now use for canned food.

  7. I love your blog..nice header! I love old buildings.
    Your pizza sauce looks wonderful.
    Thanks for commenting on our blog..those vegetable muffins really are very good:)

  8. Would love to know how it turned out and a recipe. I have so many tomatoes this year. I have made different sauce out of them but would love a pizza sauce. I haven't tried that yet.


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